World’s Leading Vaccine Authority Dr. Maurice Hilleman: HIV And Cancer Come From Vaccines

See also:

–  Bayer Knowingly Sold AIDS-Infected Drugs Worldwide For Decades (MSNBC)

Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

This shocking interview was CENSORED.

The world’s leading authority on vaccines admitted that the HIV virus was introduced to humans through the creation of vaccines using HIV-infected monkeys from Africa.

Dr. Maurice Hilleman also acknowledged that the SV40 virus, which causes cancer, is contained in vaccines.

Some researchers believe this is responsible for the dramatic rise in cancer.

(Drug companies claim that the SV40 virus has been removed, but there are sources who say otherwise.)

While Dr. Hilleman was the senior vaccine scientist at Merck, he personally discovered the presence of the cancer-causing virus in Merck’s vaccines, as well as the HIV virus in monkeys, however the company knowingly injected millions of people with both.

Dr. Hilleman has since died, but his testimony lives on in this interview.

Many people have heard that HIV came from monkeys in Africa, but they don’t know how.

Some vaccines are grown on monkey kidneys. As you’ll hear in this video, when it was discovered that the African green monkeys were contaminated with the (as yet unknown) HIV virus, their kidneys were used to make vaccines anyhow, despite believing that the virus would be harmful.

As a result, millions of people worldwide have now been given the HIV virus through vaccines.

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