1,000 Dutch Villagers Storm Town Hall In Anti-Migrant Melee (Videos)


Caught On Tape: 1,000 Dutch Villagers Storm Town Hall In Anti-Migrant Melee:

As regular readers are by now acutely aware, Europeans are growing increasingly frustrated with officials’ response to the bloc’s worst refugee crisis since World War II.

To be sure, some countries were skeptical from the very beginning. Take Hungary for example, whose firebrand PM Viktor Orban built a series of migrant-be-gone fences late last summer and defended them with tear gas and water cannons.

Be that as it may, most Europeans were willing to give refugees the benefit of the doubt. That began to change after attacks on Paris killed some 130 people in November and sentiment took a decisive turn for the worst earlier this month when scores of sexual assaults allegedly perpetrated by men of “Arab origin” on New Year’s Eve created a bloc-wide scandal.

Read more1,000 Dutch Villagers Storm Town Hall In Anti-Migrant Melee (Videos)

World Migrant Crisis: Refugee Numbers Reach 60 MILLION – How Can Europe House Them All?

“How Can Europe House Them All?”

It can’t, that is the plan.

From the article:

“Germany alone took 1.1million official refugees in 2015 – and countless thousands of illegals.”

This migrant crisis is engineered by TPTB.

What it really is, is an invasion (ISIS and Al-CIAda from Libya, Syria soon to be ‘operating’ in Europe). 

The system will collapse (as planned by TPTB) and civil war is coming.


World Migrant Crisis: Refugee numbers reach 60 MILLION – how can Europe house them all? (Daily Express):

RECORD numbers of migrants have burst through international borders this year as the number of ‘forcibly displaced’ people reaches 60m for the first time ever.

Experts say the global refugee crisis has led to there being one migrant for every 122 people on earth.The latest figures for migrants across the world were released in a UN report, revealing record numbers of people fleeing war, conflict and poverty.

Read moreWorld Migrant Crisis: Refugee Numbers Reach 60 MILLION – How Can Europe House Them All?

Vienna, Austria: Teenage Girl Rushed To Hospital After Being Raped On A Park Bench By Afghan Migrant

Teenage Girl Rushed To Hospital After Rape Attack By Afghan Migrant In Public Park:

An 18 year old Austrian woman was “rushed to hospital” in the early hours of this morning after a drink with an Afghan stranger she met on a train turned into a sex attack.

Private security staff in Vienna’s Prater park rushed to the aid of a young woman in distress this morning around 02:30 o’clock after they heard cries for help. The 18-year-old victim had been raped on a park bench by a 21-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan, who is now in police custody.

Read moreVienna, Austria: Teenage Girl Rushed To Hospital After Being Raped On A Park Bench By Afghan Migrant

Migrant Invasion Will Reach OVER 10 MILLION Warns German Minister


Migrant Invasion Will Reach OVER 10 MILLION Warns German Minister:

Europe has barely even seen the start of the migrant influx, Germany’s Development Minister has warned.

Gerd Müller said only 10 per cent of Syrian and Iraqi migrants have reached Europe so far and “eight to ten million are still on the way”, with even more to come from Africa.

Read moreMigrant Invasion Will Reach OVER 10 MILLION Warns German Minister

Police Crack Down As 13,000-Strong Anti-Rape Vigilante Groups Emerge Accross Europe

Police Crack Down As 13,000-Strong Anti-Rape Vigilante Groups Emerge Accross Europe:

Europeans are organising into self-defence groups in reaction to the failure of their own governments to protect them from migrant invaders, with one group boasting 13,000 supporters alone.

Founded last week and reported on at the time by Breitbart London, the ‘Dusseldorf is Watching’ group which proclaims “one for all, and all for one” and has already gone on patrols and has grown to 13,000 supporters in eight days. It is just one of a growing number of so-called vigilante groups emerging across Germany and other European nations who patrol streets or dispense spontaneous justice in place of the regular police.

Similar to the Dusseldorf group is the new ‘Kassel is Watching’ group, founded in the central German city this week. Already enjoying over 2,000 supporters, the patrols are organised through instant messaging app ‘WhatsApp’ and Facebook. The mobile phone messenger allows crimes to be quickly reported to the group by members of the public and for volunteers to instantly receive updates and the locations of flashpoints.

Read morePolice Crack Down As 13,000-Strong Anti-Rape Vigilante Groups Emerge Accross Europe

Migrant Crisis: Bulldozers Start Clearing Parts Of Calais ‘Jungle’


Migrant crisis: Bulldozers start clearing parts of Calais ‘jungle’ in ‘peaceful’ operation:

Heavily armed French riot-police guarded bulldozers tasked with clearing sections of the makeshift Calais migrant camp two days after activists burned down two vehicles in protest at new permanent housing

Under heavy police guard, bulldozers on Monday started demolishing sections of “the Jungle” refugee camp in Calais that was home to an estimated 1,600 people.

British charities and volunteers from around the world had been working around the clock to remove shelters and salvage families’ possessions ahead of the clearance operation.

French authorities are clearing hundreds of tents set up 100 metres from a busy motorway – the scene of clashes between police and migrants hoping to sneak onto a truck and cross the Channel to Britain via the port.

At first, migrants and refugees were told to leave eviction the area by Friday but the deadline was pushed back following requests by charities for more time.

Merkel’s nightmare: Almost half of Germans NOW FEAR refugees after Cologne attacks

Nightmare? Everything is going according to plan for Bilderberg and Illuminati puppet Merkel and her elite masters.


Merkel’s nightmare: Almost half of Germans NOW FEAR refugees after Cologne attacks:

NEW opinion polls show almost half of Germans fear refugees following the New Year’s Eve sexual frenzy in Cologne.

The survey also revealed many now doubt the country’s ability to cope with the one million plus migrants who have arrived since last year.

Public broadcaster ZDF carried out a survey which found 60 percent of respondents believing Germany cannot cope with those who have arrived so far – up 14 percent since a similar survey early in December before the Cologne outrages.

Read moreMerkel’s nightmare: Almost half of Germans NOW FEAR refugees after Cologne attacks

Morocco, Algeria ‘must take back rejected refugees’ – German economy minister

Morocco, Algeria ‘must take back rejected refugees’ – German economy minister:

North African countries, such as Morocco and Algeria, must take back their citizens whose asylum applications are rejected by Germany, economy minister and Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Sigmar Gabriel has stated.

“Germany is willing to economically help these countries, but only if their governments act fairly and let citizens who have no right to [be granted] asylum in our country enter their territories,” Gabriel said in an interview with the ARD ‘Tagesthemen’.

“It cannot be that one receives [development] aid, but does not accept back its own citizens who can’t get asylum in our country because they simply have no reason to flee their country,” Gabriel added.

‘German girls are just there for sex’ What migrant told woman as he groped her in street

Germany has been rocked by more allegations of migrant sex attacks tonight

‘German girls are just there for sex’ What migrant told woman as he groped her in street (Daily Express):

GERMANY was rocked by yet more migrant sex attack allegations today after it emerged one refugee told his victim she was “just there for sex” as he groped her whilst another group STONED two women in the street.

Horrific details of another bout of sex attacks allegedly carried out by recently arrived refugees provoked more fury across the country tonight as calls to clamp down on mass migration continued to grow.

Police reports from the city of Dortmund released today claimed that a recently arrived refugee told one young woman that German girls are “just there for sex” after he approached her in the street and offered her money to sleep with him.

They also described a shocking incident in which three migrant men seemingly tried to impose Sharia Law on the streets of Germany, attempting to stone two women in public. 

Read more‘German girls are just there for sex’ What migrant told woman as he groped her in street

Stabbing Death Of 15-Year-Old Schoolboy By ‘Arab Migrant’ Classmate In Sweden Sparks Outrage

Stabbing death of 15yo schoolboy by ‘Arab migrant’ classmate in Sweden sparks outrage:

A school murder in Sweden, where a Lithuanian pupil was allegedly stabbed by a Syrian migrant classmate, is stoking racial tensions. Families of the victim and the alleged killer are trading accusations, but police are staying silent.

The killing took place on the first day of the new semester, January 11, at the Göinge School in Broby, Skåne County.

A 15-year-old Lithuanian-born boy, Arminas Pileckas, was murdered in the school by a 14-year-old classmate, reportedly from a family of Syrian refugees. Arminas was killed with a single stab into heart inflicted from behind with a kitchen knife, his family says.

Read moreStabbing Death Of 15-Year-Old Schoolboy By ‘Arab Migrant’ Classmate In Sweden Sparks Outrage

German swimming pool closed to male refugees after assaults on women

German swimming pool closed to male refugees after assaults on women:

In a first, male migrants were banned from a leisure center in a German town for sexually harassing female visitors, while authorities in a different German town chose to step up security at a center for similar reasons.

Male asylum-seekers currently living in a hostel in Bornheim, a town on the outskirts of Bonn, were banned from visiting a local swimming pool after the number of complaints of sexual harassment from female bathers became alarmingly high, the town’s authorities said on Friday.

None of the episodes can be regarded as criminal offences, but the men’s behavior was more than inappropriate, Markus Schnapka, Bornheim’s social welfare chief said, as cited by Die Welt.

Read moreGerman swimming pool closed to male refugees after assaults on women

Dutch Men Put On Mini-Skirts To Support Victims Of Sex Attacks (VIDEO, PHOTOS)


Anyway, speaking of wearing skirts, here’s one way to keep the rapists at “arm’s length”


Dutch men put on mini-skirts to support victims of sex attacks (VIDEO, PHOTOS):

Hundreds of men have taken to the streets of Amsterdam to express their solidarity with the victims of sex attacks that hit the German city of Cologne and other places in Europe on New Year’s Eve.

The demonstrators braved the January cold in the Dutch capital, marching in mini-skirts, accompanied by female protesters, too.

Read moreDutch Men Put On Mini-Skirts To Support Victims Of Sex Attacks (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Austria deploys army to halt migrants intending to transit through Germany

Austria deploys army to halt migrants intending to transit through Germany:

Austria is set to use its army to stop refugees intending to transit through Germany and not apply for asylum there, as hundreds are being rejected at the German border. More than 1,000 migrants with forged IDs are being turned around at the Austrian border each week.

The new regulations issued by the Austrian Defense Ministry came into effect Saturday.

Now migrants coming to Austria to travel through Germany and beyond will be denied access and sent back home, Austrian authorities said on Friday. Slovenia is expected to resort to similar measures in order to avoid becoming a refugee bottleneck.

Read moreAustria deploys army to halt migrants intending to transit through Germany

Switzerland follows Denmark’s lead to seize assets from refugees to pay for upkeep


Switzerland follows Denmark’s lead to seize assets from refugees to pay for upkeep:

Switzerland says it will introduce legislation which will force refugees to hand over cash and valuables to the authorities to help pay for their upkeep. The move by the Swiss follows a similar plan implemented by Denmark.

Refugees arriving in the Alpine nation will have to turn over any assets they possess which are worth more than 1,000 Swiss francs ($997).

“If you have property worth more than 1,000 Swiss francs when you arrive at a reception center you are required to give up these financial assets in return for a receipt,” an information sheet for refugees states, as cited by Reuters.

Read moreSwitzerland follows Denmark’s lead to seize assets from refugees to pay for upkeep

“We Can NOT Do It”: County Commissioner Sends Bus Full Of Refugees To Angela Merkel

Original article:

“Wir schaffen das nicht!”: Landrat Dreier schickt Bus voller Flüchtlinge zu Angela Merkel


Title and link have been changed to:

Protest gegen Merkel: Landrat Dreier schickt Bus voller Flüchtlinge zum Kanzleramt


* * *

“We Can Not Do It”: County Commissioner Sends Bus Full Of Refugees To Angela Merkel

Google translation:

The Lower Bavarian district administrator Peter Dreier is serious about his threat: Today drove a bus with refugees from Landshut to Berlin, directly to Angela Merkel in the German Chancellery. The first night in a pension paid by the district itself.

“We can not do that!” With these words, the Landshut District Peter Dreier is the Chancellor threatened in a telephone call, to send her a bus with refugees to Berlin as “Die Welt” reported online. At that time – October 26, 2015 – to three have said: “If Germany takes a million refugees, eliminated mathematically in my district in 1800. The I take on, I will send all further by bus to Berlin for the chancellery.”

Read more“We Can NOT Do It”: County Commissioner Sends Bus Full Of Refugees To Angela Merkel

‘We can’t arrest them’: German police officer speaks out on refugees

German police officer speaks out on refugees

‘We can’t arrest them’: German police officer speaks out on refugees:

A German police officer told media that law enforcement cannot efficiently tackle crime among refugees without being accused of excessive violence or racism, while many dangerous incidents are played down or kept secret to maintain desirable statistics.

The federal police officer, referred to as Bernd K., has shared his experiences with Bild newspaper, having worked for six months at Munich train station and also in the “refugee hotspots” of Passau and Freilassing in Bavaria.

“At first, mostly families with children – who looked educated and spoke English – were coming here,” the officer told. “Meanwhile, 95 percent of refugees are now single men.”

People do not know what happens in reality, even when it comes to violence or physical abuse, as the general picture looks softened, he continued.

“One asylum seeker wanted to cut his fellow’s throat. But the crime scene report included only severe injuries rather than murder attempt. This looks better for the statistics” Bernd K. explained. In his view, the crime rate among refugees far exceeds that of the local population:

“For the last couple of months, I had only one criminal charge against a German, the rest [of suspects] were only refugees.”

Read more‘We can’t arrest them’: German police officer speaks out on refugees

This Is What Happens When Every German Googles ‘Pepper Spray’

Source: Handelsblatt

“Always an arm’s length ahead …”

“Manergy pepper spray with marker.”

(Cologne Mayor Slammed For Telling German Women It Is Their Responsibility To Keep Rapists At “Arm’s Length”)

This Is What Happens When Every German Googles “Pepper Spray”:

Back in November, we remarked that despite occasional videos of angry Germans protesting at what has become the biggest “foreign invasion” of Europe since World War II, the German popular response to the wave of migrants, which is now expected to top 1 million in 2015 has been relatively calm.

Read moreThis Is What Happens When Every German Googles ‘Pepper Spray’

Swedish police accused of covering up sexual assaults committed by refugees at music festival

As if the police in several countries would all at the same time start covering up sexual assaults without being ordered to do so.

Swedish police accused of covering up sexual assaults committed by refugees at music festival

Swedish police accused of covering up sexual assaults committed by refugees at music festival:

Swedish police are accused of covering up mass sexual assaults allegedly committed by refugees at a music festival. It follows claims that gangs of youths, mostly from Afghanistan, molested girls as young as 11 or 12 at the annual event.

According to Dagens Nyheter newspaper, an internal police report on the 2015 ‘We Are Stockholm’ festival stated that “the problem of young men rubbing themselves up against young girls returned as in previous years.”

“These are so-called refugee youths [mostly] from Afghanistan…the [group] was also responsible for several fights during the evening,” police wrote.

Noting that the youngest victims were only 11 or 12, an unnamed officer admitted that he would “never have let my own daughter [go to] the festival if I knew what happened.”

Read moreSwedish police accused of covering up sexual assaults committed by refugees at music festival