How to keep a Healthy Thyroid and Adrenals
This is going to be the source or 97% of all diseases.
Oxidation is breakdown
Metabolism is build up/break down
Catabolism is break down
Anabolism is build up
phytonutrients are elements in plants developed by natural exposure to viruses/bacteria/ cancer/pathogens
How to heal your thyroid and adrenal glands.
The thyroid and adrenals have a reciprocal relationship. When Adrenal activity is high, thyroid activity is low and vice versa. Living in a constant state of stress leads to high adrenal activity. Don’t stress! Discover how these complicated little glands interact and how you can optimize their function.INDEX:
Read moreDr. John Bergman: How To Heal Your Thyroid And Adrenals (Video)