Breakthrough Energy Conference: Michael Tellinger: Advanced Ancient Technology And The Ubuntu Movement (Video)

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First Civilisation on Earth Discovered in Southern Africa:

Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. The persistent research by South Africans Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine and a team of leading scientists, over an extend seven-year period, has resulted in astonishing new archaeological and scientific discoveries. It shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.

These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilisation which they now call the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the ancestors of all humans today with an advanced knowledge of energy fields through planet Earth.

They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. Tellinger presents this groundbreaking new evidence in which is released in his latest book Temples Of The African Gods. It graphically exposes these discoveries and will undoubtedly be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history. The new release is a continuation of Tellinger’s previous books Slave Species of god and Adam’s Calendar which have become favourites with readers in over 20 countries.

3 thoughts on “Breakthrough Energy Conference: Michael Tellinger: Advanced Ancient Technology And The Ubuntu Movement (Video)”

  1. They recently discovered Egypt is much older than thought….now have a zero kingdom……at least 25-30K years old, and probably much older. The wonderful thing about history (not religious idiots that say the world started 6000 years ago) is that information is constantly changing and evolving. We found Troy…..when I was a girl, it was still a myth.
    History is so interesting. Pity we have a world that is trying to eliminate and revise it.


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