– ‘Typhoon appears to have affected Fukushima Daiichi plant” — Giant spike in radioactivity after #Wipha — Suspected of causing high levels of strontium to flow into Pacific (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 17, 2013):
NHK Newsline, Oct. 17, 2013: “The typhoon also appears to have affected the damaged Fukushima Daiichi power plant.”
Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 17, 2013: Typhoon flushes out radioactive strontium at Fukushima nuclear plant […] leaving water with high strontium levels in a drainage ditch that connects to the ocean. [TEPCO] said Oct. 17 that radioactive strontium and other beta rays measuring 1,400 becquerels per liter were detected at the drainage ditch about 150 meters from the ocean. The legal standard for strontium emissions is 30 becquerels per liter. […] The previous day, the radioactivity level was 19 becquerels per liter, according to TEPCO. […] the highly contaminated water may have flowed into the ocean.
Graphic shows strontium water flowing directly into Pacific from a point outside Tepco’s harbor — Yet it was only yesterday that Prime Minister Abe once again claimed that radioactive contamination was contained with the harbor (SOURCE: Asahi)
NHK, Oct. 17, 2013: High radioactivity in Fukushima Daiichi ditch […] [Tepco] says it has detected high levels of radioactivity in a ditch leading to the sea, after Typhoon Wipha brought heavy rain. […] [Tepco] detected 1,400 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive material at a measuring point 150 meters from the sea on Wednesday. The figure was […] more than 70 times higher than readings taken on Tuesday. It’s also the highest since monitoring of the ditch water was started in August. Officials say rain from the typhoon caused contaminated soil to flow into the ditch and created the high radioactivity. […] Officials also say they will assess the effects on the surrounding sea.
The Fukushima story continues to get worse. Sardine traps are empty, star fish are dying off. The food chain has been broken, most scientists with any sense say not to eat any food from the Pacific.
Some scientists say the Pacific ocean will be 100% toxic by 2016.