– Ex-Fukushima Worker: I’m scared of collapse at plant, “buildings are in a very bad state” — Gundersen: “Building failures” will occur in future if problems not solved (ENENews, Oct 16, 2013):
Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Engineer, Oct. 14, 2013 (at 2:00 in): “You have an inadequate firm, under funded from the Japanese government. And until those two problems get solved, we will have leaks and building failures in the future.”
Kei Takahashi, former Fukushima Daiichi worker (at 12:30 in): “If it collapses due to a large earthquake, we humans will not be able to control the situation. This possibility scares me. The work environment is the worst you can possibly imagine. It is highly contaminated and the buildings are in a very bad state. The level of radioactivity is so high.”
Daisuke Kamijo, owner/operator of children’s center in Minamisoma, 20 kilometers north of Fukushima Daiichi (at 10:45 in): “I’m aware that anything can happen at any time. It’s a time bomb and the clock is still ticking.”
Taiki Kamijo, teenager living in Minamisoma, 20 kilometers north of Fukushima Daiichi (at 5:30 in): “If there’s another big earthquake, what will become of the reactors? I’m worried. My friends and I discuss this. We don’t want to die. We’re all very worried.”
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