– Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed as Globalists (Activist Post, June 15, 2012):
Several months ago, when some still questioned the destiny of Mitt Romney as the Republican Presidential Nominee, the Romney campaigned demonstrated its own lack of doubt on the issue by announcing a stable of foreign policy advisers and various working groups specific to issues and regions. The list of Romney’s foreign policy team consisted of 22 advisers as well as 13 working groups.
The list was initially published at least as far back as October 6, 2011 in the Washington Post article by Philip Rucker entitled, “Mitt Romney taps foreign policy, national security advisers.”
Considering Romney’s attendance at the 2012 Bilderberg meeting and the apparent tendency of the elite in leaning to Romney as the next president, it is imperative that those who are aware of the forces truly guiding the United States and the rest of the world be prepared to shift gears, even if it is only temporary, and begin to expose Mitt Romney as the criminal globalist that he is.
Still, we must guard against being played like a tennis ball and rushing back into the arms of “Bush on steroids” Barack Obama. Unless we become significantly more streetwise than the general public has been in the past, the condition of the world will only continue to degenerate with every election, regardless of the results.
With this in mind, the following list is a compilation of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy advisers and links to many of their affiliations. This list is by no means comprehensive. However, one should pay careful attention to the preponderance of individuals associated with the George W. Bush administration, Project For A New American Century,[1] and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Also, bear in mind that some links will direct the reader to a homepage or online database that will require some further searching.
If any connections have been left out, feel free to post a comment with the relevant additions.Cofer Black; torture architect; Blackwater; Central Intelligence Agency; Department of State Coordinator for Counter-terrorism; Total Intelligence Solutions; CIA case officer in Zambia during the Rhodesian Bush War and Somalia during the Ethiopian/Somalian conflict; CIA officer in South Africa during the conflict between South African government and “anti-apartheid militias;” CIA officer in Zaire where he helped armed “anti-communist guerrillas” in Angola; CIA Station Chief in Sudan in 1993, the same time Osama bin Laden was allegedly located there; CIA agent in Afghanistan in 1998, at the same time Osama bin Laden was allegedly there; CIA Task Force Chief in the Near East and South Asia Division; Deputy Chief of the CIA Latin America Division; Director of the Counter Terrorism Center (position held on 9/11); well-known for having withheld important information regarding the alleged 9/11 hijackers; Department of State’s Ambassador At Large;
Christopher Burnham; Bush era appointee; Deustche Bank;
Michael Chertoff; Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; legally advised in favor of torture, body scanner beneficiary; Co-author of PATRIOT ACT; Covington and Burling;Chertoff Group; Institute For Cultural Diplomacy; Latham and Watkins; active in Whitewater Investigation; Assistant Attorney General;
Eliot Cohen; Project for A New American Century; Committee For the Liberation of Iraq; Zionist; Iran war supporter; Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Defense Policy Board; American Enterprise Institute; Aspen Institute; Praeger Security International;
Norm Coleman; Republican-Jewish Coaltion; Freemason; Iraq war supporter; American Action Network; Israel Project; National Endowment For Democracy; Republican Main Street Project; Ripon Society;
John Danilovich; Knight of Malta; Council on Foreign Relations; Globalization and “Free Trade” promoter as member of the Initiative For Global Development; Millennium Challenge Corporation; .
Paula Dobriansky; Council on Foreign Relations; Climate Change promoter; Trilateral Commission; Institute For Cultural Diplomacy; Belfer Center For Science and International Affairs;Bipartisan Policy Center; Freedom House; Hungary’s International Center for Democratic Transitions; Australia-American Dialogue; National Endowment for Democracy; American Council of Young Political Leaders;
Eric Edelman; Iran war proponent; Iraq war proponent; Foreign Policy Initiative; Center For Strategic and Budgetary Assessments; Council on Foreign Relations; Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies;
Michael Hayden; Former CIA Director, Former Director of the NSA (where he oversaw domestic wiretapping), Former Director of National Intelligence, Former Commander of the Air Intelligence Agency, Proponent of the Trailblazer Project, Former Director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center, Torture proponent, argued against Probable Cause, Council on Foreign Relations, principal at the Chertoff Group, Board of Directors of Motorola Services,
Kerry Healey; Council on Foreign Relations, State Department’s Executive Committee of the Public-Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan (founded by Condoleeza Rice)
Kim Holmes; Council on Foreign Relations, Vice President of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, Institute for International Strategic Studies.
Robert Joseph; U.S. Chief Negotiator to Libya in 2003 (regarding nuclear weapons), National Institute for Public Policy (NeoCon Think Tank), Center For Security Policy (Pro-Israel Think Tank); Rumored to have been responsible for the Iraq-WMD-Niger claims circulated by the Bush Administration.
Robert Kagan; Brookings Institution; Project For A New American Century; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Foreign Policy Initiative; Council on Foreign Relations; political advisor to John McCain; Serves on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board; Trilateral Commission; Committee for the Liberation of Iraq; Skull and Bones; US Committee on NATO; Henry Jackson Society;
John Lehman; member of the 9/11 Commission; Foreign Policy Research Institute; Project For A New American Century; National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States; Heritage Foundation; Center For Security Policy; Committee on the Present Danger; J.F. Lehman and Company; Hawaii Superferry; Princess Grace Foundation – USA; Ball Corporation; Partnership For A Secure America; Council on Foreign Relations; Staff member to Henry Kissinger at the National Security Agency; Securing America’s Energy Future;Straight Talk America; Paine Webber;
Walid Phares, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; European Foundation for Democracy; Trans-Atlantic Parliamentary Group on Counter Jihadi-Terrorism; Wikistrat; Department of Homeland Security;
Pierre Prosper; Arent Fox;
Mitchell Reiss; served under Brent Scowcroft at the National Security Council; Council on Foreign Relations; Ford Foundation; Director of Policy Planning at State Department, Center For Strategic & International Studies;
Daniel Senor; Carlyle Group; advisor to Ambassador Paul Bremer in Iraq; Council on Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy Initiative;
Jim Talent; Heritage Foundation; Arent Fox;
Vin Weber; Project For A New American Century; Clark & Weinstock; National Endowment For Democracy; Humphrey Institute; Institute For Law and Politics; Council on Foreign Relations; Aspen Institute; America’s Success PAC; Americans for a Republican Majority; America’s Foundation; Bilderberg Group; Citizens Against Government Waste; Empower America; American Abroad Media; Progress and Freedom Foundation; New Republican Majority Fund; The Freedom Project;
Richard Williamson; Winston & Strawn; Special Envoy to Sudan (2008-2009); International Republican Institute; Council on Foreign Relations; Committee in Support of Russian Civil Society; Committee on the Present Danger; Straight Talk America;
Dov Zakheim; Council on Foreign Relations; The Vulcans; Project For A New American Century; SPC International; International Institute For Strategic Studies; Heritage Foundation;Center For Strategic and International Studies; Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) tasked with tracking down the Pentagon’s missing 2.3 trillion dollars; Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan; Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton; CNA Corporation; Center For Strategic and International Studies; Global Panel America; Chatham House; Royal Institute of International Affairs; Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences; American Jewish Committee; System Planning Corp.; Northrop Grumman; McDonnell Douglas; London School of Economics;
[1] Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Interlink. 2004. http://www.amazon.com/The-New-Pearl-Harbor-Administration/dp/1566565529