The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: The Second American Revolution STARTS NOW! – Syria – Europe – Gold – WW III (Video)

“The Entire Global Economic System Is In Collapse.”

YouTube Added: 27.06.2012

If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York Post

When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline News

There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.

Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street Journal

A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist

Alex Jones Interviews Webster Tarpley: The Rand Paul Fiasco – ‘The American System’ – Ron Paul – History – Greece (Video)

For your information.

YouTube Added: 11.06.2012

Elite Puppet Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed As Globalists

Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed as Globalists (Activist Post, June 15, 2012):

Several months ago, when some still questioned the destiny of Mitt Romney as the Republican Presidential Nominee, the Romney campaigned demonstrated its own lack of doubt on the issue by announcing a stable of foreign policy advisers and various working groups specific to issues and regions. The list of Romney’s foreign policy team consisted of 22 advisers as well as 13 working groups.

Read moreElite Puppet Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed As Globalists

No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: Ron & Rand Paul Have Killed The Freedom Movement! … ‘LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY’! (Video)

As a side note: Gerald Celente officially supported Ron Paul … before.


YouTube Added: 09.06.2012

Bilderberg 2012: Detailed Member Bios, UK Guardian’s Video Report

Bilderberg 2012: detailed member bios, UK Guardian’s video report (Activist Post, June 3, 2012):

The “1%’s” elite Bilderberg meeting concludes today. The Guardian, the UK’s second-leading online newspaper, has reported on Bilderberg the last three years; their reporter Charlie Skelton explains Bilderberg in this 17-minute interview with InfoWars.

YouTube Added:02.06.2012

All videos can be viewed HERE.

Video Rebel’s Blog brilliantly documents Bilderberg participants’ biographies; I’m re-posting here with a few edits. I recognize some of the factual claims, and have not done the immense work to verify and document all of them.

Readers are advised to do their own research and thinking, as always. I appreciate Video Rebel’s leadership of factual discovery.

The “emperor has no clothes” obvious conclusion regarding Bilderberg is that the 1%’s policies in war and money are unlawful, annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions of the 99%’s wealth. The only ethical, rational, and lawful response is to arrest obvious leaders to end these crimes:

Read moreBilderberg 2012: Detailed Member Bios, UK Guardian’s Video Report

Bilderberg Exposed On British TV With Guardian Correspondent Charlie Skelton (Videos)

YouTube Added: 30.05.2012

Description: journalist Patrick Henningsen and Guardian correspondent Charlie Skelton discuss the secretive Bilderberg Group on British TV with Edge Media’s “On The Edge” show, airing on SKY Channel 200 Controversial TV.

YouTube Added: 30.05.2012

YouTube Added: 01.06.2012

YouTube Added:02.06.2012

Bilderberg 2012: Man Arrested For Just Walking 2 Steps In The Street (Video)

Bilderberg 2012 Arrest: For The Record… (Intel Hub, June 3, 2012):

Many people have cast doubt among the mainstream and alternative medias account that a man was arrested for just walking in the street about two steps from the sidewalk.

However in this video it is clear that is exactly what happened. The gentlemen in the video is a step or so off of the sidewalk then takes no more than 8 steps to go around Rob Jacobson of Infowars who was covering the protest.

As seen in the video I was actually walking away from the main protest led by Alex Jones to check on equipment. However I immediately turned my focus on the officers encompassing the area with a “Civil Disturbance Unit” as they approached the area to set up a perimeter.

This is clearly demonstrated before the incident as a police car shuts off a lane of traffic, and after as the police arrest the first infraction and take formation in order to attempt to intimidate the crowd.

This unfortunatley demonstrates how the system works when you attempt to exert your right to free speech against true power. Yet I find hope amongst our Police among these actions intended to produce fear of standing up, speaking out, and taking action.

For the record it is not working.

The following footage of the arrest was caught on camera by Jason (the Infowarrior) Bermas at the 2012 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly Virginia on Friday.


Obama’s Chief Economist Austan Goolsbee At Bilderberg 2012 (Photo) – Austan Goolsbee At CFR (Photo)

Photo: Obama’s Chief Economist Attends Bilderberg Meeting (Intel Hub, june 3, 2012):

During the Bilderberg 2012 meetings, was able to capture numerous photos of globalists attending the meetings.

We have now been able to positively identify one of Obama’s chief economics, Austan Goolsbee.

Austan Goolsbee – Obama’s Chief Economist

Photo Credit: Shepard Ambellas – ©

Note: Please consider sending this photo to as many alternative and mainstream news outlets as possible. This must not go unexposed!

Here (screenshot) is Austan Goolsbee at the Council of Foreign Relations:

Bilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs

Can the might of Bilderberg be worn down by this torrent of testosterone, megaphones and blatantly eaten goji berries?

A police officer quietly apologises for making such a pointless arrest. Photograph: Hannah Borno

Bilderberg 2012: real men don’t like oligarchs (Guardian, June 3, 2012):

I handed the goji berries to the cop. “He dropped these.” The cop thanked me, tossed the gojis in the trunk, and bustled away his captive amid a cacophony of outrage from the crowds. Moments earlier, the man with the berries had called out to the crowd: “They can’t arrest us all! Let’s stand together!” Moments later, poignantly, he was grabbed by the police and bundled into the squad car.

It was a silly arrest, really. He wasn’t doing anything at all. He was eating goji berries, standing on the edge of the road. Jaysnacking. A token flex of muscle from Fairfax County police. I’m not sure this constitutes a legal defence, but I’m pretty sure that if you’re eating a bag of organic goji berries, you’re probably not much of a threat to society. As the police pulled away, the bullhorn sirens started up and I walked away from the noise.

Read moreBilderberg 2012: Real Men Don’t Like Oligarchs