Max is talking about the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in this video.
Posted in 2009:
– The Cathedral of St. John the Divine depicts the destruction of New York & Wall Street as described in the Book of Revelation
Posted in 2012:
– Prophetic Pillars On St. John The Divine Cathedral Depict Apocalyptic New York:
One of the first articles published on this site was Sinister Sites – St. John the Divine Cathedral, where I’ve described the building’s occult symbolism and its role in the United Nations’ efforts to push a single world religion. Probably the most shocking part of that article was the pictures of the columns, conceived in 1997, depicting the destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers). The Church was named after St. John the Divine, the author of the Book of Revelation.The original article showed only two of these columns (the others were not visible at the time I took the pics). Since then however, the other pillars are visible and their symbolism is as esoteric and mysterious as those originally posted. Here they are (in no particular order).
I know of one seer (the “Waldviertler”) that predicted the destruction of Manhattan through a nuke ‘during peacetime’ before WW3.
The event is predicted to take place during Spring-Summer.
Just imagine for a moment the consequences IF this prediction becomes reality.
– Simulating a Nuclear Bomb Blast in Manhattan – The Atlantic:
A computer model is in the works to simulate how New Yorkers would respond in the the first 30 days after a nuclear attack.
On a quiet afternoon, two medium-sized nuclear blasts level portions of Manhattan.
If this were a movie, hordes of panicked New Yorkers would pour out into the streets, running around and calling out for their loved ones. But reality doesn’t usually line up with Hollywood’s vision of a disaster scene, says William Kennedy, a professor in the Center for Social Complexity at George Mason University. Instead, he expects people would stay in place, follow instructions, and tend to the injured nearby.
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