Are white South Africans the focus of a genocide? I’m determined to find out. January 2018 Stay tuned… (All-out civil war has been predicted for South Africa by Nicolaas “Siener” van Rensburg (born 1864 – 1926), who foresaw WW1, WW2, the migrant crisis and WW3)

All-out civil war has been predicted for South Africa by Nicolaas “Siener” van Rensburg (born 1864 – 1926), who foresaw WW1, WW2, the migrant crisis and a white President (Donald Trump) taking over from a black President (Barack Obama) many years ago, which would be sign for South Africans that the worst crisis they – and the world – will ever face is about to begin. And yes, van Rensburg also foresaw WW3.

Related info:

Hard Reality: The Life of white South African youth. (Video)

Zimbabwe 2.0: South Africa President Proposes Land “Expropriation Without Compensation”

White South Africans trapped ‘like frogs in boiling water’ as racial violence escalates

White South Africans Are Preparing For “Removal of All Whites Within Five Years”

Suidlanders: Preparing for Disaster in South Africa (Video)

More info (some WW3 predictions):

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871:

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

The outstanding German seer Alois Irlmaier foresaw this in around 1950…

“It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

– Alois Irlmaier

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

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