Merkel On Migrants Attacking Germans: ‘We Have To Accept That The Number Of Offences By Young Migrants Is Particularly High’ (Video)

She says:

“Aber wir müssen akzeptieren, dass die Zahl der Straftaten bei jugendlichen Migranten besonders hoch ist”

which translates to:

“We have to accept that the number of offences by young migrants is particularly high”

This is Merkel not denying the numbers. If the clip was longer, you would very likely hear her say that this problem must be addressed.

The way the quote is translated, makes it appear that she is stating that crimes by immigrants simply must be accepted.


3 thoughts on “Merkel On Migrants Attacking Germans: ‘We Have To Accept That The Number Of Offences By Young Migrants Is Particularly High’ (Video)”

  1. Come on! Its liberalthink and this is the sound of a Merkel liberal getting an education in reality.

    If you are going to be stupid and support lunatics who think nightmare on elm street is a goal for Germany, you got to be tough!.

    Eventually all of these soldiers, I mean refugees will be forced to leave or civilization there will fall.


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