Lab Tests Verify That Kellogg’s Froot Loops Contains GMOs And Glyphosate Herbicide

I’ve posted about this before:

GMOs And Glyphosate Discovered in Kellogg’s Froot Loops

Related info:

Another Independent Study Confirms Monsanto’s RoundUp Chemicals Are Lethal, Even in Small Doses


Kellogg’s Froot Loops contains GMOs and glyphosate herbicide, lab tests verify (Natural News, March 2, 2015):

With the food industry doing everything in its power to avoid having to tell the public that its products are laced with genetically modified (GM) additives, pesticides and other poisons, grassroots efforts to raise awareness about GMOs are flourishing. Recent laboratory tests conducted by GMO Free USA, which revealed the presence of both high levels of GMOs and glyphosate herbicide in Kellogg’s Froot Loops breakfast cereal, are just the start of a much larger campaign to rid the American food supply of all these hidden toxins and restore health to the general public.

Kellogg’s, as you may recall, spent millions of dollars defeating mandatory GMO labeling initiatives in California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington — and this isn’t surprising, since the vast majority of the company’s food products contain GMOs. Because of its widespread popularity among children, and the way Kellogg’s directly markets it to children, Froot Loops was the cereal of choice in revealing just how polluted and toxic many popular processed foods really are.

An accredited lab using advanced Specific LC/MS/MS testing methods, which are capable of detecting glyphosate residues at levels as low as 0.02 ppm (parts per million), found that Kellogg’s Froot Loops contains 0.12 ppm, or 0.12 mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram) of glyphosate residue. The same testing protocol also revealed that a shocking 100 percent of the corn additives in Froot Loops are of GMO origin, coming from both Bt (insecticide-producing) and Roundup Ready GM corn varieties.

“We find it disturbing that Kellogg’s is feeding children unlabeled GMOs and toxic herbicides,” said Diana Reeves, Executive Director of GMO Free USA and mother of three children. “Statistics show that this is the first generation of children that are sicker than their parents. Is Kellogg’s endangering our children? Based on the growing body of scientific evidence, we believe so and we hold Kellogg’s accountable.”

Ingredients in Froot Loops destroy immunity, blood health, male reproduction, digestion and vital organs

Though it might sound crazy, insecticidal Bt corn, which produces pesticides right inside its kernels, has never been proven safe through human clinical trials. And yet numerous studies have verified that its consumption can trigger immune system disturbances, blood biochemistry problems, male reproductive organ damage, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and clear signs of organ toxicity.

Also, contrary to industry claims, Bt proteins aren’t broken down by the body and rendered innocuous — they’ve been found circulating in the bloodstreams of both pregnant and non-pregnant women, and are even transferred through cord blood to unborn babies in the womb!

“The corn in Froot Loops produces insecticides from inside every cell of the plant that can’t be washed off and is regulated by the EPA,” says GMO Free USA. “The FDA, EPA, and USDA allowed the insecticidal GMO corn discovered in Froot Loops to be commercialized without ever conducting human safety tests.”

The same is true of glyphosate, which appears to bioaccumulate within the body over time rather than be quickly expelled as the industry claims. Glyphosate is particularly menacing as it’s toxicity has been shown to be intensified by other chemicals, including all the other so-called “inert” ingredients in the Roundup formula, making the herbicide orders of magnitude more toxic than the industry claims.

This is in addition to the fact that glyphosate strips the body of vital nutrients like iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium, leaving those exposed nutrient and mineral deficient.

More on this is available here:

“We will not back down and we will not lift the boycott until Kellogg’s enrolls each and every product they make into the Non-GMO Project for verification,” explains GMO Free USA.

You can sign the petition calling on Kellogg’s to remove GMOs and pesticides from its products, as well as pursue Non-GMO Project verification, by visiting:

Sources for this article include:

More important information on Glyphosate (Roundup):

Pennsylvania Researchers Discover Glyphosate Herbicide in Honey and Soy Sauce

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GMOs And Glyphosate Discovered in Kellogg’s Froot Loops

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Wheat-Roundup Ready


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