Due to a lot of work that needs to be done & upcoming events (incl. visitors) I’ll be presenting the news to you in the following way up until around Dec. 4.
This way you’ll still get fully updated, whilst I save many, many, many hours of work on the website.
U.S. Foreign Policy
Source: Cagle Post
– Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone: “There Is Almost No Gold Left In The Central Bank Vault”:
Back in March we reported of a strange incident that took place just after the Ukraine presidential coup, namely that according to at least one source, “in a mysterious operation under the cover of night, Ukraine’s gold reserves were promptly loaded onboard an unmarked plane, which subsequently took the gold to the US.” Needless to say there was no official confirmation of any of this taking place, and in fact our report, in which we mused if the “price of Ukraine’s liberation” was the handover of its gold to the Fed at a time when Germany was actively seeking to repatriate its own physical gold located at the bedrock of the NY Fed, led to the usual mainstream media mockery. Until now. In an interview on Ukraine TV, none other than the head of the Ukraine Central Bank made the stunning admission that “in the vaults of the central bank there is almost no gold left. There is a small amount of gold bullion left, but it’s just 1% of the gold reserves.”
– California Tells Court It Can’t Release Inmates Early Because It Would Lose Cheap Prison Labor:
Out of California’s years-long litigation over reducing the population of prisons deemed unconstitutionally overcrowded by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, another obstacle to addressing the U.S. epidemic of mass incarceration has emerged: The utility of cheap prison labor.
– Grubergate For Idiots (Such As American Voters): All You Need To Know In 2 Minutes:
Confused at just what Jonathan Gruber, friend (or not friend) of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi, said (and didn’t say)? Here is the two-minute idiot’s guide to the Obamacare architect (or not Obamacare architect)‘s controversial comments (and just who did and did not know him)…
– GruberGate: “Senator” Obama Vs “President” Obama (Videos):
If you like your Jon Gruber “brightest minds from academia, that I have stolen ideas from liberally”, you can keep your Jon Gruber…
– Obama: I will send US troops to fight ISIS if they get nukes:
US President Barack Obama has, for the first time, admitted he would deploy US ground troops to Syria and Iraq to fight Islamic State – that is, if the extremist group obtained a nuclear weapon.
“If we discovered that [Islamic State] had gotten possession of a nuclear weapon, and we had to run an operation to get it out of their hands, then, yes,” Obama told reporters at a news conference in Brisbane, Australia, on Sunday. “I would order it.”
– Putin:’US wants to subdue Russia, but no one did or ever will’:
The US has no plans to humiliate Russia, but instead wants to subdue it, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, adding that no one had ever succeeded in doing so – and never will.
Speaking at a forum of the All-Russia Peoples’ Front in Moscow on Tuesday, the Russian leader said that history was not about to change, and that no one would manage to suppress the country.
“Throughout history no one has ever managed to do so toward Russia – and no one ever will,” Putin said.
H/t reader squodgy:
“Now, what shall we do with all this oil money….I know, let’s buy a zoo & shoot all the animals…..what fun that would be…….hey, we could even make even more people homeless and maybe even feed them to the animals.
40,000 Masai people will be evicted from their homeland in Tanzania, because the Dubai royal family has bought it with the intention of using it as a reserve to hunt big game. Last year, the Tanzanian government had resisted the purchase, proposing instead a “wildlife corridor” dedicated to hunting near the Serengeti national park. However, the deal will still reportedly go through, and the Masai will have to leave by the end of the year.…
As a side note: It is well known that radiation makes viruses (also harmful bacteria and other parasites) become more virulent:
National Geographic, Nov 17, 2014 (emphasis added): Urchins and cucumbers seemed to have escaped the ill effects of the virus until now. But in recent weeks, reports have started to come in that they too are dying along beaches in the Pacific Northwest, Hewson said… [He and his team are] studying the urchins and sea cucumbers that are already dying to see if the same killer is responsible.
NBC News (emphasis added): Scientists may have fingered the culprit responsible for a mysterious epidemic that has killed millions of starfish… the disease was a relatively common parvovirus found in invertebrates that rose to epidemic levels due to overpopulation, a genetic mutation or other unknown environmental factors.
PBS: Scientists… said it’s a virus that’s different from all other known viruses infecting marine organisms [and] don’t yet know what sparked the seemingly benign virus to transform into the perpetrator of what’s considered the largest marine disease outbreak ever…
– Big Win! Monsanto Reports $156 Million Loss in Q4 as Farmers Abandon GM Crops:
Are you invested in Monsanto stock like Bill Gates, who owns hundreds of thousand of Monsanto shares worth about $23 million? It might be time to pull out since the company just reported over $156 million in losses for the fourth quarter.…
– Even McDonald’s Rejects New GMO Potato in French Fries:
Still Plenty of Reasons NOT to Eat There…
– Here We Go Again: Demand For Subprime Debt Is “Out Of Control”:
As Kyle Bass once eloquently noted, the brevity of financial memory is about two years; and nowhere is that more clear than in the explosive resurgence of demand for new subprime-mortgage-backed products. As Scotsman Guide reports, some subprime lenders are reporting strong investor appetite for the once-reviled mortgage products (for borrowers with credit scores as low as 500 and with debt-to-income (DTI) ratios as high as 50 percent). “It’s out of control; it seems like there’s 10 times the amount of demand to buy this paper as there are borrowers that want the loans,” said one lender. As Bass may have also said “proceed with caution.”
– Approx. 100 t of sardines washed ashore in Pacific coastal area of Hokkaido again – Photos
– A Letter from the Norwegian Nobel Committee to Barack Obama:
You are the most undeserving Nobel Peace Prize winner since the odious, war-mongering Henry Kissinger. What company you keep! We were delusional dupes for giving the Peace Prize to him and you both. That is all. Now, back to “Lilyhammer.”
The Norwegian Nobel Committee
Drammensveien 19 NO-0255 OSLO
Those guidelines apply only to the law enforcement agencies overseen by the Justice Department. Within the Treasury Department, undercover agents at the I.R.S., for example, appear to have far more latitude than do those at many other agencies. I.R.S. rules say that, with prior approval, “an undercover employee or cooperating private individual may pose as an attorney, physician, clergyman or member of the news media.”
Across the federal government, undercover work has become common enough that undercover agents sometimes find themselves investigating a supposed criminal who turns out to be someone from a different agency, law enforcement officials said. In a few situations, agents have even drawn their weapons on each other before realizing that both worked for the federal government.
– From the New York Times article: More Federal Agencies Are Using Undercover Operations
While the general population is aware something is seriously wrong, people remain extremely confused about the root of the problem. This is because what’s happening all around us isn’t socialism and it isn’t free market capitalism. It is actually a return to something much more ancient and much more oppressive. It is a return to serfdom, neo-fedualism and oligarchy.
Attempting to explain this reality to people is the primary focus of my life at the moment. It’s incredibly difficult to do, because stories spun by mainstream media and other vested interests convince the gullible population to fight amongst themselves in petty, meaningless narratives.
– This Crisis Was Foreseeable … Thousands of Years Ago:
Economists, Military Strategists and Others Warned Us … Long Ago
– Open the Floodgates – Chinese Inquiries on U.S. Real Estate Soar 35% After Easing of Visa Rules:
In a nation in which 1 out of every 3 homes is unaffordable, you’d think the primary goal of public policy wouldn’t be to ensure real estate becomes even more out of reach for the average citizen. However, we live in a country in which policy isn’t being driven by logic and what’s in the best interest of “the people,” rather, we live in an neo-feudalistic society in which policy is being driven by what is best for a handful of white-collar criminals.
As Hilary Clinton starts to ponder the curtains she wants to hang in the Oval Office, there is only one person who can realistically stand in her way: Rand Paul.…
The most snow this early in the year on record.
At least 17 people have died in the cold weather since Saturday.…
– More snow cover across U.S. than usually seen on Christmas:
Greatest snow-cover on record for this time of year. More typical of late December or early January.
– Most snow cover on record for this date across the United States:
And record-breaking snow in Kentucky.
While we no longer live in a world in which debt matters – because central banks will just monetize it in their ongoing and no longer covert effort to reflate the final bubble – and thus debt ratings are an irrelevant anachronism from a bygone era, we can’t help but recall a certain statement by S&P from September of last year, in which the rating agency reminded everyone just why Japan has to proceed with both its first sales tax hike from 5% to 8%, (which, together with weather, has now been blamed on Japan’s shocking quadruple-dip recession), but also the follow up from 8% to 10%, which as we now know, has been delayed indefinitely, and which was supposed to prefund welfare spending for Japan’s demographic disaster which with every passing day gets closer and closer.…
Since Ben Bernanke reminded the world of the existence of government printing-presses, echoed Milton Friedman’s “helicopter drop” solution to fighting deflation, and decried Japan for not being as insane as it could be… it has only been a matter of time before some global central bank decided that the dropping of cash onto the populace was the key to economic recovery. Having blown their wad on QQE (and been left with a triple-dip recession), it appears Japan has reached that limit. As Japan’s News47 reports, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has instructed his cabinet to develop economic measures such as handing out ‘gift certificates’ to the poor to “support personal consumption directly.”…
H/t reader squodgy:
“Here is one tale of how the Reypothecation might have taken place.
Of course, bankers, being honest, and politicians never lying, mixed with zionist israelis could never meld into planning and executing the biggest heist ever, under the guise of a false Arab terror plot whilst killing 3000 innocent Gentiles , just Gentiles (3000 jews were told not to turn up for work on 9/11) resulting in total surveillance of all the other gentiles on the planet carried out in the main by mossad connected security companies.
Also, isn’t it pure coincidence that the security at the Fukushima plant was also under the control of a mossad connected security firm..
Don’t miss: – http://cryptome.org/eyeball/gold-vault/gold-vault-frbny.htm:
The gold vault in the Federal Reserve Bank New York is reportedly the largest gold depository in the world. Yet compared to other major gold vaults, such as the one at Fort Knox, it appears lightly secured. There are one or two guards at the loading dock which connects to the vault. Because the building is located in a dense urban area, its walls and entrances abut sidewalks without security barriers like those at other bullion depositories. The site of the building slopes such that the topmost levels of fve basements where the vaults are located directly adjoins two streets, albeit there are reinforced concrete walls with steel face plates as well as interior alarm systems protecting the hoard. (See note below on basement levels and wall thicknesses.)
Copies of the original 1922 construction drawings of the facility, publicly available at Avery Architectural Library, Columbia University, were obtained by Cryptome. A floor plan of a vault level is provided below.
– Wholesale Inflation Heats Up Due To Jump In Car, Food Costs, New Calculation Method:
Janet Yellen will be pleased… or not. Producer Price Inflation printed hotter than expected across all its various incarnations (good news, no deflation; bad news, no deflation excuse for The Fed). Ex Food-and-Energy prices rose 1.8% YoY (4-month highs), considerably more than the 1.5% expectations but surged 0.4% MoM – the most in 16 months. PPI Final Demand rose 1.5% YoY (1.3% exp). The rise in PPI appears driven by Food prices which are up 1.0% (the most since April) and Trade PPI (+1.5%) thanks to a 26.1% jump in margins for fuels and lubricants retailing (under new calculation methods) accounted for nearly 40% of the rise in final demand.#
– Hugh Hendry: “I Believe Central Bankers Are Terrified”:
“My premise hasn’t really changed since I published my paper explaining why I had become more constructive towards risk assets this time last year. That is to say, the structural deficiency of global demand continues to radicalise the central banking community. I believe they are terrified: the system is so leveraged and vulnerable to potentially systemic price reversals that the monetary authorities find themselves beholden to long only investors and obliged to support asset prices. However, I clearly confused everyone with my choice of language. What I should have said is that investors are perhaps misconstruing rising equity prices as a traditional bull market spurred on by revenue and earnings growth, and becoming fearful of a reversal, when instead the persistent upwards drift in stock markets is more a reflection of the steady erosion of the soundness of the global monetary system and therefore the rise in stock prices is something that is likely to prevail for some time.”
Journalist Zebula “Sha” Hebert has been “shot at, stabbed, pepper sprayed, maced, tear-gassed, tased, arrested, detained, beaten, and interrogated” while conducting his work. He knows what repression feels like, which is why he is undertaking a highly ambitious project: in the wake of the recent US-backed Israeli assault, Hebert will return to Palestine and spend a year in Gaza. He will conduct interviews with Gazans, publish reports, and ultimately write a book about his findings and experiences, all to help amplify the voices of a trapped refugee population being brutalized by the world’s most powerful aggressors.
Hebert conducted an interview with Robert Barsocchini for Washington’s Blog, to elucidate and spread the word about his upcoming journalistic endeavor:
– Indonesia still performs ‘virginity tests’ on female police job applicants – HRW:
Indonesia’s practice of subjecting would-be female police officers to ‘virginity tests’ is “discriminatory and a form of gender-based violence,” that has to be stopped, Human Rights Watch says.
– ‘RT will soon be banned in Germany too’: Russian FM jokes at media conference:
The Russian FM known for his impeccable diplomatic skills, brightened the mood of the media conference held in Moscow after meeting with the German foreign minister. Both diplomats chuckled at the joke that was addressed to RT.
In my opinion another test of advanced technology (that will be used in the future against the people to make them accept the NWO):
– Chelyabinsk meteor #2? Massive flash over Russia’s Urals stuns locals & scientists:
An extraordinary bright orange flash has lit up the sky in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region in the Urals. While locals captured the massive ‘blast’ on numerous cameras, both scientists and emergency services still struggle to explain the unusual event.
– Kissinger Warns “We Need A New World Order”; Ukraine Should Forget Crimea & NATO:
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says in an interview with Der Spiegel that there currently is an urgent need for a new world order, but its coming into being will be long and complicated. “There is the Chinese view, the Islamic view, the Western view and, to some extent, the Russian view. And they really are not always compatible,” he warns, adding that introducing anti-Russian sanctions was a mistake. He added that Ukraine should not hope to become a member of NATO in the foreseeable future, as the alliance will never vote unanimously for the accession of Ukraine.
– Game 8 – 2014 World Chess Championship – Viswanathan Anand vs Magnus Carlsen:
Reader squodgy sent this to me:
“Spotted in Canada”
Well done T, I assume your site is getting more followers, which is the aim. Now you must re-organise to make it practical from all sides and still functional & enjoyable.
The aim is to be informed first.
The website seems to be not getting more followers.
And with this necessary new time saving posting of articles the website’s Alexa rank will (sadly) drop like a stone.
As the evidence mounts, it starts shouting at us, and listeners grow exponentially, which is why the elite PTB are starting to panic, and which is why we are drawing ever closer to a trigger event under the cloud of which they will try to escape.
What the hell just happened to my world?
Were the parents asked if it was OK, first??
Good luck in your reorganization project.
I tried to explain that radiation causes virus’ to one of America’s media consumers…….she didn’t get it.
Virus’ are the new obfuscation terms for radiation poisoning.
Stanley, as to your question what happened to your world……I feel the same way. I have reached a philosophy about such things. This is why we only live a short time in relation to many forms of life on the planet……..the change has become so rapid, so downward, so perverted………this is why we die off after 60.
I was talking to a friend earlier today, and asked him if he remembered the old cars that started with a button…….today, we have the same thing in new vehicles, only the chip in the door lock remote tells the car the rightful owner is driving it……..but, the government can shut it down thanks to the GPS. Where that is cool to nail car jack creeps, it isn’t if it decides we are stealing our own vehicles…..
Life has gotten so complicated that those of us over 60 cannot contend with the changes. I have lost interest, I used to be greatly interested in all things technical, but no longer. I am losing interest, detaching, doing all the things the dying do…….and it doesn’t bother me a bit. This is why we were given 3 score and ten……we are not wired for much more.