– Violence Erupts As Hong Kong’s Leader Threatens To Use “All Necessary Measures To Restore Social Order” (ZeroHedge, Oct 4, 2014):
Having tried (unsuccessfully) to break up the pro-democracy protesters in the heart of Hong Kong using local triad gangs (as opposed to the optics of actual police), it appears the Chinese government is rolling back from its “wait-and-see” approach and becoming more aggressive once again. Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, as DPA reports, demanded protesters end their blockade of major roads by Monday, or the government will take “all necessary measures to restore social order.” Tensions continue to rise, with clashes breaking out sporadically, as the protesters have broken off talks with the government. As fears of another Tiananmen square debacle loom, former Hong Kong governor Chris Patten noted, “I cannot believe it would be so stupid as to do anything like send in the army.”
I’ve been reading on foreign web sites that the US is funding that uprising………I don’t know, but it is very unusual for Chinese uprisings to get any media attention. They have about 100-200 a day over there around unemployment, etc. When that happens, they shut off the TV and the Internet.
This is very unusual.