In 1913 The City of London Zionist private Central Bankers successfully hijacked the American Monetary Production and Distribution System


A Terrible Price to Pay (Veterans Today, June 7, 2014):

In 1913 The City of London Zionist private Central Bankers successfully hijacked the American Monetary Production and Distribution System.

This was done by use of  stealth, bribery and massive political influence and was completely illegal despite any and all claims to the otherwise.

This terrible Treason and Sedition by top USG Officials placed complete control over the whole American economy in the hands of the World Zionists (WZs) and their International Crime Syndicate, the IZCS.

This essentially gave the WZs control over all the personal property, the fruits of labor and production of almost every normal American and all their futures with NO oversight of Congress or any institution of the USG at all, NONE.

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