Bilderberg Found: 2014 Confab To Take Place At Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen


Bilderberg Found: 2014 Confab to Take Place at Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen (Infowars, April 1, 2014):

5 star hotel fully booked for end of May

The 2014 Bilderberg Group meeting of secretive global power brokers will almost certainly take place at the 5 star Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark from May 29 to June 1.

After Denmark was confimed yesterday as the site of the organization’s 62nd conference, inquiries to the Marriott show no rooms available for those dates, indicating that Bilderberg has booked out the entire hotel for its annual confab.

Although the group has been known to throw out red herrings and double book different hotels to throw reporters off the scent, the Marriott will very likely be the site of the conference.

1 thought on “Bilderberg Found: 2014 Confab To Take Place At Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen”

  1. It’s quite funny. After all the hype & claimed secrecy….if you type Bilderberg 2014 location…into bing or google it goes straight to their own site.
    It clearly states Denmark, and having been on numerous occasions, Kobenhavn isn’t flowing with big high security hotels.
    Most have historical character.


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