Harry Reid Claimed Income Taxes Are ‘VOLUNTARY’ (Video)

Blast from the Past: Harry Reid Claimed Income Taxes are “Voluntary” (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Oct 14, 2013):

With Harry Reid in deep negotiations with crony Republican fraud Mitch McConnell, the American public is surely in the process of getting royally screwed once again. Thus, it seems like an appropriate time to revisit an interview in which Mr. Reid claimed on camera that income taxes are “voluntary.” He must have accidentally described the way members of Congress view taxes, you know kind of like how they view insider trading.

As you watch, try not to get too distracted by Jan Helfeld’s tie. Where can you even buy something like that?!

YouTube Added: 23.08.2008


Jan Helfeld interviews Senator Harry Reid about redistributive taxes.

Reid maintains redistributive taxes are not a problem because people are not forced to pay taxes.

He says taxation is voluntary???.

How and why does Harry Reid get into this bind and make such a preposterous statement?

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