– Europe liquidity crisis has a number: $30 trillion according to Sarkozy (Examiner, Nov. 23, 2011):
On November 23rd. Olivier Sarkozy, brother of French President Nicholas Sarkozy, and head of the Carlyle Financial Group, spoke on CNBC and laid out the cost of the liquidity crisis that is overtaking Europe. The total numbers are staggering, with $30 Trillion being the overall debt holding the Euro Zone hostage.
So if you want to stabilize that $30 trillion and in my view it’s not that you want to, it’s that you have to, you do not have a choice, you’re going to have to be at least at 2.1 trillion and i suspect it may need to be more.” Q.E.D. – Sarkozy on CNBC via Zerohedge
$30 trillion is the overall exposure, however, only a percentage of this is necessary to stabilize those debt instruments. This is where the figure of $2.1 trillion comes in, and is a gigantic requirement nonetheless to secure the overall liability in the Euro banking system.
The EU holds approx. 500 million people and if Sarkozy is correct then every single person living in the EU holds a debt of $60.000.