From our readings of Casey Research we found a great chart and comments from Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management, we bring this to your attention:
Eric Sprott – ….“The conventional wisdom is that gold is in a bubble. It isn’t so. At the just-concluded Casey’s Gold & Resource Summit, Eric Sprott showed a slide showing gold and gold mining shares as a % of global assets. As you can see in the chart, which I am republishing here, gold holdings are currently a fraction of what they’ve been historically.
We have a long way to go before gold can be considered fully valued, so sit tight and be right.”
….”Get yourself positioned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime ride.”
October 9, 2010
Source: Precious Metals Warrants
See also:
– Super-Rich Investors Buy Gold By The Ton
– Former IMF Chief Economist Prof. Kenneth Rogoff: $10,000 Gold?