Top politicians wore feminist T-shirts made by women making less than $1 an hour

Feminists Harriet Harrman and Nick Clegg

Top politicians wore feminist T-shirts made by women making less than $1 an hour (RT, Nov 3, 2014):

A company and charity behind feminist T-shirts worn by top UK politicians, such as Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, are under pressure to explain why the women making them in Mauritius work in dire conditions for paltry wages and sleep 16 to a room.

The T-shirts featuring the slogan, ‘This is what a feminist looks like’ have been selling for £45 ($72) in the UK. However, the female workers producing the garments make just a fraction of their retail price, earning 62 pence ($1) an hour.

The allegations were made by the British newspaper, the Mail on Sunday, who sent a reporter and a photographer to the island in the Indian Ocean, where the T-shirts are made. They ascertained the workers earn just a quarter of the minimum wage in the country, and that each T-shirt costs just over £9 ($14) to make.

Guardian’s NSA Revelations: Spies To Go Under Spotlight

Guardian’s NSA revelations: spies to go under spotlight (Guardian, Oct 10, 2013):

Deputy PM Nick Clegg says public accountability and trust to be examined in review of surveillance powers

British deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is to start conversations in government about how to update the legal oversight of the UK’s security services in the light of disclosures by the Guardian that powerful new technologies appear to have outstripped the current system of legislative and political oversight.

Read moreGuardian’s NSA Revelations: Spies To Go Under Spotlight

UKIP Conference 2012 – NIGEL FARAGE (Full Speech Video)


YouTube Added: 23.09.2012

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage full speech at the UKIP 2012 Conference

UK: Nick Clegg’s office paid £88,000 to his wife’s law firm

Embarrassing: The figures reveal that the government has made two five-figure payments to DLA Piper, a company where Nick Clegg’s wife Miriam is a partner, since May

Nick Clegg faced accusations of a conflict of interest last night as it emerged his wife’s law firm has been paid £88,000 by his own department since the Election.

Figures published by the Cabinet Office in what was described as a ­‘revolutionary’ transparency exercise revealed that the department had made two five-figure payments to DLA Piper since May.

The disclosure is an embarrassment for the Deputy Prime Minister, whose high-flying Spanish wife, Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, is a senior partner at the firm. The details came as ministers released information on every ­government contract worth more than £25,000.

The documents revealed the extraordinary levels of waste in government spending, including tens of ­thousands of pounds in bank charges, £170,000 on ­bottled water for tax inspectors and a £1,000 grant to a firm that makes ­diamante collars for dogs.

Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude said the publication was designed to allow the public to ‘hold our feet to the fire’. He conceded the process ‘will not always be easy’ for ministers.

Documents show the first payment to DLA Piper was in July, for £35,000 with a second payment of £52,875 in September.

Read moreUK: Nick Clegg’s office paid £88,000 to his wife’s law firm

UK: Winter fuel payment cuts to hit millions of pensioners, despite pre-election promises

See also: UK: Pensioners are burning books to keep warm

Older people will have to wait at least six years longer to receive winter fuel payments, under government plans to cut the welfare bill.

Last winter, any household with someone aged 60 or more received a £250 winter fuel payment. For those over 80, it rose to £400 Photo: GETTY IMAGES

The Daily Telegraph has learnt that ministers have resolved to increase the qualifying age for the annual payment from 60 to at least 66. Talks are under way about an even bigger rise.

The basic winter fuel payment, made to more than 12 million people, will also be cut by £50 for new recipients and £100 for the oldest.

It would be the first major restriction in a universal benefit under the Coalition, and could open the door to more dramatic announcements, with cuts to child benefit also under discussion.

The move comes despite a pre-election promise from David Cameron to safeguard benefits for the elderly, including winter fuel payments.

Earlier this month, the Government published plans to raise the state pension age for women to 66 by 2019.

Although there is no formal link between the retirement age and fuel payments, Whitehall sources confirmed that eligibility would follow the pension age upwards.

Liberal Democrat ministers, led by Nick Clegg, are pushing for the qualifying age to go even higher.

Some suggest that, ultimately, only those aged 75 and over should receive winter fuel payments. That would bring the benefit in line with free television licences.

Read moreUK: Winter fuel payment cuts to hit millions of pensioners, despite pre-election promises

PM David Cameron orders Ministers to draw up 40 percent spending cuts – the biggest in history

Now also the UK government presents the bill for the bankster bailouts.

Doomsday savings: Prime Minister David Cameron is preparing departments for cuts of up to 40 per cent

David Cameron is ready to approve the biggest public-spending cuts in the history of the developed world in a dramatic bid to cut ­Britain’s soaring national debt.

He has ordered Cabinet Ministers to draw up ‘Doomsday’ savings of up to a staggering 40 per cent which could see vast parts of the public ­services shut down and tens of thousands of policemen, teachers, town hall workers and other civil servants lose their jobs.

The proposed cutbacks are even more extreme than emergency reductions used in other countries such as Canada and Ireland and are double the amount of the Geddes cuts imposed after the First World War when Britain faced bankruptcy from government debt and waste.

Read morePM David Cameron orders Ministers to draw up 40 percent spending cuts – the biggest in history

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg – Your Freedom: Britain’s liberty is at stake – it is time to have your say

The state has crept further and further into people’s homes and their private lives under the cover of pretending to act in our best interest. That needs to change, says Nick Clegg.

Nick Clegg: ‘The Coalition Government is determined to restore great British freedoms’

Your Freedom: suggest the laws you want repealed

During their 13 years in power, the Labour Government developed a dangerous reflex. Faced with whatever problem, legislation increasingly became the standard response. Something needs fixing? Let’s pass a new law.

And so, over the last decade, thousands of new rules and regulations have amassed on the statute book. And it is our liberty that has paid the price. Under the cover of pretending to act in our best interest, the state has crept further and further into people’s homes and their private lives. That intrusion is disempowering. It needs to change.

The Coalition Government is determined to restore great British freedoms. Major steps have been taken already. ID cards have been halted. Plans are underway to restrict the storage of innocent people’s DNA. Schools will no longer be able to take children’s fingerprints without their parents consent.

But we need to do more. The culture of state snooping has become so ingrained that we must tackle it with renewed vigour. And, especially in these difficult times, entrepreneurs and businesses need our help. We must ensure we are not tying them up in restrictive red tape.

So today we are taking an unprecedented step. Based on the belief that it is people, not policymakers, who know best, we are asking the people of Britain to tell us how you want to see your freedom restored.

Read moreDeputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg – Your Freedom: Britain’s liberty is at stake – it is time to have your say