– 5/15/2015 — Google Earth HUGE security flaw! Search a youtube screen name – get their address + MOBILE NUMBER!! SMH @ google .. (Dutchsinse, May 15, 2015):
This is insane.
Searching youtube screennames on Google Earth (and Google Maps) can give you the persons HOME LOCATION and PHONE NUMBER !
Look what comes up when you search my backup channel screen name “dutchsinsereloaded” on Google Earth ! My home address down to the block and street here in St. Louis Missouri!
For tatoott (my online youtube partner) it is much worse, not only his street and block, but his MOBILE NUMBER comes up !
For other youtube screen names, it appears their current chatter is now being geolocated, as well as their posting locations in some cases!
Above: Using google earth, searching youtube screen names returns this — Dutchsinse comes up at CERN, Tatoott1009 shows home address and mobile number, Dahboo77 comes up at the CDC, Suspicious0bservers comes up at the Hilton in Pittsburgh, Sheilaaliens comes up at the Newtown Connecticut Police Station. Professordoom1 comes up at a Walmart Supercenter in Los Angeles California (Jade Helm), dutchsinsereloaded goes right to my location in St. Louis Missouri.
If you search my main youtube channel, something even more strange happens — up comes CERN in Switzerland. Something I was talking about today in comments online! (doesn’t this mean my comments on facebook, and posts I share are being scanned real time and added to google maps search?!)