Israeli Report Admits They Are Descendants Of Khazars


Israeli Report admits they are Descendants of Khazars (The Vatic Project, Jan 4, 2015):

Vatic Note: Khazars are a mix of Turk-its and Mongolians who were pagan worshippers. They were one of 7 cultures that worshipped the phallic symbol and only converted to Judaism to keep from losing their country to the Catholics on the west and the Muslims on the east. This photo below shows the range of mix that they are and when they were chased out of Khazaria, they migrated into eastern Europe, starting with Poland and ending in East Germany.

They are not Torah Jews, in fact they are now practising Satanists using the Babylonian Talmud as their book which contains such laws of restriction such as “Thou shall not rape a child before they are 3.5 years old.” That implies its ok to rape a child over 3.5 years old, now how strange is that? They took the name “Ashkenazi Jews” and thus became the majority and European Jews. Many of the real Jews were chased into London and NY, to seek asylum from these khazars.

10% of those who call themselves Jews are really the Palestinian Jews of the Bible, the other 90% are the khazars who have taken over not only the designation “Jews”, but have also taken over Israel at the behest of Rothschild international bankers.

For a very long time, they have denied their khazarian roots, and then a Khazar

Israeli Report admits they are Descendants of Khazars (Veterans News Now, Dec 26, 2014):

Posted by Sartre on December 26, 2014

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine,

Khazar Jews 1876

By Batr Sartre

Are you intellectually and emotionally prepared to confront a new twist to Israeli claims for identity and a political homeland? If you are, test to what extent you have an open mind. The article, Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine, will present a position that is difficult to imagine. When political necessity confronts hallowed claims, what will a determined Zionist do to sacrifice their fundamental assertion for legitimacy? Ponder the significance and full extent of the implications.

“Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars. (Whether this would result in yet another proposal to revise the words to “Hatikvah” remains to be seen.) At first sight, this would seem to be the worst possible news, given the Prime Minister’s relentless insistence on the need for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state” and the stagnation of the peace talks. But others have underestimated him at their peril. An aide quipped, when life hands you an etrog, you build a sukkah.”

Speaking off the record, he explained, “We first thought that admitting we are really Khazars was one way to get around Abbas’s insistence that no Jew can remain in a Palestinian state. Maybe we were grasping at straws. But when he refused to accept that, it forced us to think about more creative solutions. The Ukrainian invitation for the Jews to return was a godsend.”


Oy vey, woe is me. How such an admission could be seen as anything but a capitulation to the critics of the legitimacy for the state of Israel? Another critical viewpoint by Wayne Madsen in Israel’s Secret Plan for a “Second Israel” in Ukraine, is the perfect summary of the precarious creditability dilemma that such an admission presents.

“Zionists have long argued that the land claimed by Israel was the biblical birthright of the Jewish people who were forced from the land in a so-called diaspora after repeated conquests by various empires. Proof that Ashkenazi Jews, which make up a majority of the Israeli Jewish population, have no historical link to Palestine would call into question the entire premise of Israel as the historical 5,000-year old homeland of the Jewish people.”

As expected, the mere disclosure of such a secret government report has intensified the Christian-Zionists Problem – Khazar DNA, as written earlier this year. Never fear there is no shortage of arguments that attempts to discredit any proponent of Are Ashkenazi Jews Descended From Khazars?

“But in a new article in the journal Jewish Social Studies, Hebrew University researcher Shaul Stampfer argues there is no evidence from Medieval Jewish, Islamic or Christian texts that such a conversion took place.

“The silence of so many sources about the Khazars’ Judaism is very suspicious,” Stampfer tells Haaretz.”

When persuasion fails, attack the messenger as seen in Must a Jewish State Be Zionist?

“Shlomo Sand, a secular Israeli professor at Tel Aviv University, is notorious for his banal theory that Jews today have no connection with the Land of Israel because they are descended from non-Jewish Khazars who converted a thousand years ago in the Caucasus. No unbiased academic takes this seriously.”

All this arcane and esoteric disputes surely should be resolved with simple Home genetics kits could identify millions with Jewish roots, right?

“Just as the State of Israel has invested resources into the study and promotion of archeology, in part to demonstrate and strengthen the connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, by investing in the fields of genetic research and molecular anthropology, Israeli scientists could be at the forefront of this growing field not only to demonstrate the historical connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, but to help refute studies that manipulate data in order to undermine that connection,” said Noah Slepkov, author of the JPPI study.

Slepkov was likely referring to some who claim that the Jews of today are unrelated to the Israelites of the Bible such as Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, whose book The Invention of the Jewish People, which claimed that contemporary Jews are the descendants of the Khazars, Berbers and other groups.”

Up to this point the intense push back is expected from the defenders of Israel. Nothing surprising from this response! However, in the essay Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine, the work of a “Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine and author of the 2012 book “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People” is analyzed.”

“Interestingly, while anti-Zionist bloggers have applauded Elhaik’s work, saying it proves that contemporary Jews have no legitimate claim to Israel, some white supremacists have attacked it.”

Now for the surprising variation in critiquing the Rethinking the Khazar Theory! This section is written by no other, than Davis Duke, himself. Review the original article, for a long list of DNA studies that seem to reject and conflict with Eran Elhaik research. Nevertheless, Dr. Duke argues that the claim of special rights for the “Chosen” which resides in the Talmud culture is entirely part of the tribalism no matter the particular genetics of the Zionist.

“I have come to believe that the Khazar theory is one more piece of controlled opposition as illustrated in Orwell’s 1984 where Emmanuel Goldstein is supposedly Big Brother’s opposition, but in fact he is part of the Big Brother apparatus.

How convenient it is to suggest that Jews are not a race, not a related people that gives them a unity and strength in conflict with other peoples.
One cannot explain the power of Zionism unless one understands Jewish tribalism.

Jewish tribalism (racism) and favoritism and preference for fellow Jews combined with discrimination against non-Jews ultimately enables them to take over almost any institution.

Without Jewish racism, Zionism could not flourish, for that is what gives the Jewish extremists its enormous economic, media and political influence.
Christians who propagate the “Khazar theory” should not forget that the Talmud is perhaps the most anti-Christ tome ever written. The Talmud portrays Jesus being boiled in human excrement—“forever”!

The Talmud as well the gospel recounting of the Jewish persecution behind the crucifixion of Christ all took place hundreds of years before any supposed Khazar conversion”

Let’s pull all this information together to sort out a rational understanding of the political considerations that threaten the stability and well being of the planet. Historically it is undeniable that large number of Jews from Eastern Europe and Russia migrated out of that area. Many resettled in Israel. Most adopted pro-Zionist politics. Since the former Khazar empire region was the departing homeland of so many inhabitants who profess to be Jews, it is preposterous to contend that any tribal group can maintain a pure racial identity.

When a Jew resides in Israel are they not called an Israeli? What do you call a Jew living in the Ukraine – a Jew or a Ukrainian? Likewise, when a Jewish migrate from Khazarian descendant moves to Israel and becomes a citizen, do they lose their roots from their own lineage? Whether they purport to be from a bloodline of a racial tribe or simply a convert to a particular religion their association with their country of origin remains.

Could it be that this astounding disclosure of a hidden past is nothing more than a ploy to recapture influence if not actual territory in a former land of settlement? If this is the case, the issue is one of political power and not one of religious inevitability.

Zionism is a political doctrine. All the conflicting genetic research is designed to serve a political agenda. If an Israeli came to Palestine from the Ukraine and practiced the teachings in the Talmud, that person most likely will be a Zionist.

The objection to the state of Israel is that its political precepts and policies are rooted in Babylonian Talmud teachings. When David Duke states that “One cannot explain the power of Zionism unless one understands Jewish tribalism”, the complimentary lesson is that Zionism cannot be fully comprehended without understanding Talmudic admonitions towards non Jews.

Consequential doctrines that profess superiority privileges should be condemned. Sadly, opposition towards a race, no matter how impure its genes have mixed over the centuries, when its politics maintain Jewish supremacy, is often labeled as anti-Semitic. Natural animosity towards such Jewish chutzpah is defensible in a world which disobeys the true revelations in the Torch.

Preparing Jewish converts, from the Khazars lineage, need not to be based solely upon DNA. What is important is that the political objectives of Zionism be recognized as harmful to humanity. Religion is not the issue, because Zionists reject their own biblical mores.

3 thoughts on “Israeli Report Admits They Are Descendants Of Khazars”

  1. To my understanding, being Jewish is a choice, just as it is to be Catholic, or whatever. I don’t know who these creeps are, and evidently, they are even more lost than the mystical lost twelve tribes……………………

    Jewish law can be found in the old testament. There is no such law about raping children, and this is the sort of trash written to work people up against a group of people. It disturbs me greatly, the Israel nation has done more horrible damage than we can absorb……but such dreadful writings only fuels the hatred. This is exactly what Hitler sold to the Germans, and the fact it is being used once again disgusts me beyond belief. He got away with it by blaming them for all the financial pain Germany was experiencing.

    Had every German read the Versailles Treaty, it would have been clear it was authored by the leaders of the world, not a few Jews in Germany. When I read it, (I had one of the original copies before donating it) it was written in English and French.

    The penalties put on Germany after WWI ensured a second world war would be waged. The Jews in Germany had little to do with it. The financial pressures put on that country were impossible for them to meet, and the demand Germany never again establish an army certified that it would. Blame the world leaders, not the few foolish Jews who were too blind to get out of Germany by 1930.

    Even the US president who had such great hopes was horrified by what came out of that meeting………a very deep disappointment to a man who had too many ideals to lead the free world. The Versailles Treaty set the world on a path of war and destruction we still struggle with today.

    I find the publication of such horrors as this article written to breed hate, there is no truth in it. I am surprised you would publish it.

  2. I can’t believe it took you so long to make that claim. According to my research, the king of the Khazars was so impressed with the culture of the Jewish travelers passing through his country that he decided to convert to Judaism. Then he went even farther and converted all his people to Judaism. Then the Russians came along and spoiled the fun by destroying the country. Why do we get claims like this? I guess it is to prove that Jews have no ancient presence or claim to the land of Palestine; that everything that happened according to the Old Testament was really about the Arab ‘Palestinians’. You know, Jesus was a Palestinian according to the Arabs and Jew haters and the mentally ill.

  3. If Jesus was a Palestinian and there were no Jews in Palestine during his time, then the ‘Palestinian’ Arabs had Jesus murdered, not the Jews, and the church has been lying to its parishioners for more than 2,000 years. You can’t have it both ways, sorry.


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