Water Storage: How to Keep Your Stored Water in Drinking Water Quality for MANY Years
If done correctly (stored airtight and in a cool place) your water will be good for many, many years,…
…when adding MMS (Sodium chlorite) to it:
¼ teaspoon (around 25 drops) per gallon (3,785 liters)
1 teaspoon per 5 gallons (18,92 liters)
1 ½ teaspoons per 7 gallons (26,49 liters)
2 ½ teaspoons per 15 gallons (56,78 liters)
1 ounce (29 ml) per 55 gallons (208 liters)
As a side note: Store about 2 gallons per person per day (1.5 as a minimum)
The above described method works.
However, I would recommend to nevertheless filter (or boil) that water before consumption, just to make sure.
Have to do everything you possibly can to avoid getting sick in a SHTF situation.
All the best.
I. U.
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