The Lunatics Are Running The Asylum: Draghi’s Money Printing Bazooka

Bazooka man Draghi, taking aim at the euro

The Lunatics Are Running the Asylum: Draghi’s Money Printing Bazooka (Acting-Man, Jan 22, 2015):


Given that already surging money supply growth rates in the euro area are now bound to increase at an even stronger rate, economic activity as measured by aggregate statistics is bound to pick up eventually. It is always important to keep in mind though that quantitatively measurable “activity” as such is not telling us anything about its quality. The boom prior to the 2008 crisis was also characterized by a measurable increase in “activity”, but as it turned out, most of it was merely a complete waste of scarce capital.

There is no reason to assume that this time will be different. These boom-bust sequences will continue until the economy is structurally undermined to such an extent that monetary intervention cannot even create the illusory prosperity of a capital-consuming boom anymore.

The bankers applauding Draghi’s actions today will come to rue them tomorrow.

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