Guantánamo Diary (The Guardian)

H/t reader M.G.:

“A short preview of the torture being endured at Gitmo……this is a small part of a diary that became a book. No wonder the US is crashing and burning, this is stuff the Nazis would have loved…..evil only breeds more.

This is appalling.


Guantánamo Diary (The Guardian):

Guantánamo Diary: ‘Everybody in the team realized that I was about to lose my mind’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘The torture squad was so well trained that they were performing almost perfect crimes’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘The US government is not willing to be forthcoming and disclose the truth’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘I smelled the odour of a letter that had touched the hand of my mom’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘I’d rather be a criminal and sitting home with my kids’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘I hope you think of us as more than just guards. I think we all became friends’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘The special agent locked the chain around my hands and we were thrown into a cattle truck’

Guantánamo Diary exposes brutality of US rendition and torture

Guantánamo Diary – exclusive video clip read by Dominic West

Guantánamo Diary: ‘They made me drink salt water. The chains stopped the circulation to my hands and feet’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘If he wants a confession, I already provided one. Does he want me to resurrect the dead?’

Guantánamo Diary: ‘I saw the cockpit. I saw the guards. I saw the ghosts of my fellow detainees’

Guantánamo Diary: How a classified, handwritten manuscript became an extraordinary book

1 thought on “Guantánamo Diary (The Guardian)”

  1. Thanks for publishing this, people need to pull their heads out of their respective backsides and look at what we have as a government. How are we different than Nazi Germany, except for the advanced spy technology?


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