– This Riot Is Not In Ferguson, It Is In Hong Kong (ZeroHedge, Sep 27, 2014):
No, this is not Ferguson: it is, according to many, the world’s most capitalist city, Hong Kong, where over the past few hours, around 50,000 students are said to have massed on late Saturday, demanding more democracy, as tensions grew over Beijing’s decision to rule out free elections in the former British colony.
This is something we worried about when Hong Kong went to Chinese control decades ago. Many of my friends had their shirts and suits made there while on business. Once China took over, much of that vanished with Hong Kong’s incredible economic freedom. I loved the silks and materials I received to have blouses and skirts made….. here in the states. I have never been to Hong Kong.
From what I heard, it was a wide open city, you could get anything there…….China shut a lot of stuff down.
The beautiful Chinese silks we used to get right after China was opened to the west were nice…….while they lasted. As time went on, the stuff got seedier and not nearly as heavy and rich to the touch.
I blame WalMart.