Related info:
– Fukushima’s Children Are Dying – Thyroid Cancer Rates Skyrocket
– Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):
More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.
– Japan Paper: Now 104 children diagnosed with cancer of thyroid in Fukushima — New results show 5-fold increase in rate of suspected/confirmed cancers (ENENews, Aug 27, 2014):
Asahi Shimbun, Aug 24, 2014: Thyroid cancer diagnosed in 104 young people in Fukushima… [This is] an average of more than 30 people per population of 100,000 having definitive or suspected thyroid gland cancer [actually 34.8*]. The figure is much higher than… rate of thyroid cancer of 1.7 people per 100,000 among late teens… in Miyagi Prefecture. But experts say the figures cannot be compared… Experts are divided over whether the cases of thyroid gland cancer… should be linked to the 2011 nuclear accident… the panel’s subcommittee will soon analyze the test results to determine the impact of the accident on the thyroid tumor rate.
*Total number of confirmed/suspected of cases of thyroid cancer = 103; Confirmed exam results = 295,689; Ratio = 34.83 cases per 100,000
Our Planet TV, translated by Save Kids Japan, Aug 25, 2014: According to the data in Nagasaki University which conducted screening test on thyroid cancer in contaminated areas in Chernobyl, there were 31 out of 100000 in Korosten in State of Zhytomyr and 22 in Kiev in Ukraine.
Wall St. Journal, Aug 24, 2014: … it’s unclear whether the number is linked to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident… Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said… the government would keep a close eye on developments… It is difficult to determine whether that percentage is unusually high…
Fukushima Voice, by physician Dr. Yuri Hiranuma, Aug 24, 2014:[A map] from the August 25, 2014 Fukushima Minyu article… is drawing some criticisms as it may not be a good reflection of how the radioactive plume spread [it] clumps Iwaki City where the highly radioactive plume hit, together with two municipalities up north on the Fukushima-Miyagi border…
Note: The map shows 27.7 in westernmost area, and 36.4 in central area — that’s over 30% higher for the area closer to FDNPP.
Fukushima Voice, by Dr. Yuri Hiranuma, Aug 21, 2014: During the Ninth Session of the Ministry of the Environment Expert Meeting… Aug. 5th 2014… an unexpected disclosure of crucial information from [expert witness] Akira Miyauchi, a [thyroid] surgeon… “at least over 70% of the [surgical] cases had conditions which would be ordinarily considered appropriate for surgery… such as the tumor size over 1 cm… Regarding the remaining 30%… they were what we consider high risk”… Miyauchi’s statement… raises a concern that there are so many thyroid cancers which are considered high risk. After all, Shunichi Yamashita and Shinichi Suzuki kept saying that these cancers were considered latent cancers which would not be discoverable until much later in life. The reality is that these are clinically obvious cancers, and the question would be why there are so many such cases.
Change since last data was released in May:
- Data released Aug. 2014: 103 confirmed/suspected thyroid cancers out of 295,689 confirmed results = 34.83 per 100,000
- Data released May 2014: 89 confirmed/suspected thyroid cancers out of 287,056 confirmed results = 31.00 per 100,000
- Change from May to Aug.: 14 additional confirmed/suspected thyroid cancers out of 8,633 additional confirmed results = 162.17 per 100,000 (523% of rate in May 2014)
If they are admitting to 104 cases, it is more likely closer to 10,000, or more. Japan has proved itself the biggest liar on the globe…..even beating China, which takes real doing.
Believe none of what you hear, little of what you see.