Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No “Buk” Missile Ground-Shot Was Involved.

Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No “Buk” Missile Ground-Shot Was Involved. (Washington’s Blog, Aug 2, 2014)

3 thoughts on “Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did Shoot Down that Malaysian Airliner. No “Buk” Missile Ground-Shot Was Involved.”

  1. Don’t confuse the US government with facts….they prefer their version. They don’t care about the truth, just sound bytes to keep their lies going.
    Seeing Putin In Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela cutting Cuba’s debt to Russia from $35 billion, to 3 billion……this is how the US used to do with South American nations before they decided on being the world bully instead. Putin’s moves are very similar to how we dealt with these nations……..this is how the US acted for years, but can no longer afford to enact.
    Putin is in the US backyard just as we are in his……..
    It is time for Americans to grow up and start acting like they can think, threats and economic sanctions don’t apply here.
    Putin is head and shoulders above anything the US comes up with…..the world is sick of US threats, and warmongering. When your own people are sick of you, you have a problem.
    I am not surprised by this, nor is anyone who has a grain of sense.


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