If ever there will be another plague pandemic you can ‘vaccinate’ yourself homeopatically (without any side effects).
Here you can (still) get nosodes in an excellent quality
I would buy a C 200:
– Scientists Find Ancient Plague DNA In Teeth
– Peru: Deadly outbreak of bubonic and pneumonic plague
– Plague-Infested Mice Missing From New Jersey Research Lab
Scanning electron micrograph depicting a mass of Yersinia pestis bacteria
– Colorado Man Infected With Deadliest, Rarest Form Of Plague (ZeroHedge, July 13, 2014):
Don’t Panic. But…”The message we’re trying to get out is that the plague bacteria is present here in Colorado, and to take necessary precautions to avoid getting infected,” is the warning from health officials as a Colorado man is infected with the rarest and most fatal form of the pneumomic plague, an airborne version that can be spread through coughing and sneezing. As Bloomberg reports, it is the first case of pneumonic plague seen in the state since 2004, and rather stunningly, he appears to have contracted the illness from his dog. “We don’t think it’s out in our air,” House said. “We think it’s in our dead animal populations.”
As Bloomberg reports, a Colorado man is infected with the rarest and most fatal form of plague, an airborne version that can be spread through coughing and sneezing.
The state is working “to investigate the source of exposure and to identify those who may have been exposed through close contact with the individual,” the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said in its statement. “Any individuals exposed will be recommended for antibiotic treatment.”
“We don’t think it’s out in our air,” House said. “We think it’s in our dead animal populations and dead rodent populations.”
“The reaction is leaning toward people who are tired of the protection of prairie dogs on some level,” said Jim Siedlecki, director of public information of Adams County. “Most people look at them as cute little dogs on the side of the road, but in rural Adams County they are looked at as a rodent who damages crops and is potentially plague-ridden.”
Untreated plague is fatal, and antibiotics have to be given within 24 hours of the first symptoms to reduce the chance of death. Symptoms of the disease include fever, headache and chest pain, along with a pneumonia that develops rapidly causing shortness of breath, chest pain and bloody mucus, according to the CDC.
There is no vaccine available for plague in the U.S.
Colorado officials recommend that residents keep pets away from wildlife, especially dead rodents. The plague can spread from animals after a large die-off of prairie dogs, when fleas with the bacteria seek new hosts, according to the state.
“The message we’re trying to get out is that the plague bacteria is present here in Colorado, and to take necessary precautions to avoid getting infected,”
* * *
So, in summary, West Africa has the worst breakout of ebola virus in history (which is not under control) and now the US has this ‘deadliest, rarest form of the plague’ – good times, people.
Didn’t the original terrible plague come from infected rats who were bitten by infected fleas? If I recall correctly, it was brought to Europe by a boatload of plague corpses. It is a terrible way to die. People get a big, black sore on the inside of their legs, or on their necks, and they are dead in 24 hours. Their bodies literally turn to a mass of flesh, their faces unrecognizable. It was probably spread by those who took them for burial, and got the disease from handling the corpses.
It was a dreadful time in Europe. If you look at how people dressed, the strange costumes they wore, the way they painted their faces……it was a time of terror and madness.
People did not know how they got the disease, so nobody knew who would be next.
If I recall correctly, the great fire of London killed the rats and ended the plague. From that time on, people learned to be careful of wild rodents, and to keep cats.
It is estimated the great plague killed one quarter of the world’s population. People need to be careful of wild rodents, and kill them. Cute they may be, but they carry fleas, and fleas are what bred the plague.
It was not until the Spanish Flu hit in 1919 that such a foul and terrifying illness hit the world again. My father was 10 years old when the flu hit, and he remembered clearly how the carts came around the streets each hour, drivers calling “bring out your dead, bring out your dead”. The dead were taken to a mass grave outside of town and buried immediately.
It is 2014, and it has been nearly 100 years since our last great disease. With the disgusting scientists developing plague, and other virus’ that would be best forgotten, it is a matter of time before they let some loose…….and all bets are off when that will happen. I think the people developing these virus’ are the greatest criminals of all…….all you need is one pervert to set some loose………and some perverts are really well educated, if only to hide their twisted ways.
We have an amoral government, scientists who seem to have no regard for human life, radioactive accidents going on in Japan, NM, WA, and CA………goodness know how many other places have the potential to have similar accidents or explosions.
I see no goodness anywhere in this country. Our political relationships with other nations have fallen from true statesmanship and peace to downright bullying. We have idiots in power, and groups of bureaucrats decide everything, and as a result, nothing works. We used to refer to Spain as the Sick Man of Europe, now we have become the Sick Man of the Americas. The only ones who don’t know it are the fools in power.
The vote has no power, so there is no way to get rid of them. As a nation, we are doomed. I sure hope we don’t vanish by way of the plague…….it is a horrible and disgusting death.
More on the dangers….
Marilyn Gjerdrum, sometimes I think your answers are to extreme, but mostly I like them very much, because I think you have the power of prophecy.
Replying to Ignance: Thank you for your good words. I often hope I am wrong; what I see before us isn’t good.
Believe me, I would be grateful to be wrong.