TERRORISM attacks have quadrupled since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a detailed study reveals today.
And Western Europeans are 19 times more likely to die in a terrorist attack than North Americans.
But the world’s terrorism hotspots are Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Yemen.
Britain is in 28th place out of 158 countries, according to the Global Terrorism Index for 2011.
This makes it more vulnerable than the Lebanon, Eritrea and Bosnia.
The study, which looks at terrorism worldwide since 2002, says that in Europe the most spectacular attacks have tended to be carried out by Islamic fundamentalists.
These include the 2004 Madrid bomb attacks which killed 191 people and wounded 1,800 and the 2005 London Tube and bus bombings which killed 52 plus the four bombers and wounded more than 700 people.
The red areas show the hotspots where terrorism has the highest impact
But in Europe most of the terrorism is domestic. In the UK last year Northern Ireland’s 46 terrorism incidents accounted for nearly all the attacks in the UK. And since 2007 seven lives have been lost in the UK to terrorists, with most of them in Northern Ireland.
Worldwide there were 7,473 deaths from terrorism last year – down 25 per cent compared to 2007 but up 460 per cent compared to before the September 11 2001 attacks.
The study by the Institute for Economics & Peace rates the terror threat for each country based in the number of terror incidents, deaths, injuries and properties damaged.
In Europe most of the terrorism is domestic
It casts doubt on the success of the US War on Terror which is backed by Britain.
IEP executive chairman Steve Killelea said: “The War on Terror has had mixed results. Al Qaeda in 2011 accounted for only one in 5,000 terrorist incidents but splinter groups such as Al Qaeda in Iraq and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular are still highly active and a re two of the more lethal terrorist groups in then world.
“A lot more care needs to be taken by Western Governments when considering military intervention or regime change.”
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