– Kyodo: Fukushima radiation ‘underreported’ — Metal boxes in monitors are blocking radioact (ENENews, Nov 7, 2012):
(Subscription Only) Title: Fukushima air radiation monitors underreporting data
Source: Kyodo
Date: Nov. 8, 2012The Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters at the Prime Minister’s Office announced Wednesday a 150 million yen plan to retool devices to monitor radiation levels in the air at 675 locations in Fukushima and surrounding prefectures, saying they were underreporting levels by around 10 percent.
Radiation was blocked by metal boxes containing batteries next to the detection units at the monitoring posts, an official said. Residents and local governments have complained of discrepancies in data compared with readings from other sources. […]
See also: Tokyo Paper: Thick iron shielding placed below radiation monitoring post — Dose was double 5 meters away