– Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare … AS A TAX (ZeroHedge,June 28, 2012):
In 2009, Obama said that his healthcare reform bill is not a tax:
The Supreme Court just upheld Obamacare … as a TAX:
A divided Supreme Court largely upheld the Obama administration’s health-care law, saying the law’s penalty for those who ignore a mandate to carry health insurance counted as a tax and was justified by Congress’s constitutional taxing power.
See also:
– CHANGE: Obamacare Creates $17 TRILLION In Unfunded Liabilities (Video)
– The Obamacare Mandate: Obama VERSUS Obama (Video) (Hilarious!)
– Judge Napolitano On Obamacare And The Supreme Court (Video)
– New Obamacare Regulation Calls For Free Sterilization For All College Women
Now I have to pay a fine, excuse me “tax”, because I cannot afford to pay $600 a month for decent insurance on my healthy wife. I cannot afford any more taxes. I stay broke as it is. We live on my disability income, and my wife’s minimum wage part-time income because she can’t find a job in what she’s qualified for. Now Obama is letting millions of illegals stay as legals to take up more of OUR jobs, and resources.