Has Juncker Gone Insane? Eurogroup Head Says German Debt Levels ‘Cause For Concern’

Articles in German:

Juncker hält deutschen Schuldenstand für besorgniserregend (Reuters)

Juncker hält deutsche Schulden für besorgniserregend (Welt Online)

Has Juncker Gone Insane? Eurogroup Head Says German Debt Levels “Cause For Concern” (ZeroHedge, Nov. 16, 2011):

And so Europe bites the hand that feeds it:

  • EU’s Juncker says that German debt level is a cause for concern according to a German newspaper – RTRS
  • EU’s Juncker says Germany has higher debts than Spain but ‘no-one wants to know about that’ – RTRS

What could have possessed this pathetic bureaucrat to criticize the only strong country in Europe is beyond imagination: if this is how he hopes to get Germany nervous about its debt levels and agree to monetizing, he is about to get a pretty brutal lesson in what it means to serve Le Bic Mac at 3:15 am on Luxembourg Strasse. Needless to say the Euro is not happy. We anticipate an immediate retraction saying his words were taken out of context as this is noting short of all out war between the EU and Germany.

As for who is most screwed when adding up all the debt, not just government, here is why Juncker may want to keep his mouth shut.

Juncker hält deutschen Schuldenstand für besorgniserregend

Reuters Deutschland vor 34 Minuten

Berlin (Reuters) – Eurogruppenchef Jean-Claude Juncker hat die Deutschen in der Diskussion über die Schuldenkrise zur Zurückhaltung aufgefordert.

Schuldenkrise: Juncker verkündet eine unbequeme Wahrheit? FOCUS Online
Juncker hält deutsche Schulden für besorgniserregend? Welt Online
Juncker warnt: Deutschland hat höhere Schulden als Spanien? Oberbayerisches Volksblatt
Tradingbird FinanzNachrichten.de (Pressemitteilung)
Alle 73 Nachrichtenartikel »

2 thoughts on “Has Juncker Gone Insane? Eurogroup Head Says German Debt Levels ‘Cause For Concern’”

  1. This is a ridiculous comment and an utterly meaningless graph. Shall we examine the issues you forgot to mention? 1) Net debt matters, not gross. 2) Who holds the debt matters, not gross. 3) What currency the debt is denominated in matters, no gross. 4) What form the debt takes, in terms of localised/international bonds matters, not gross. 5) Ability to repay in terms of demographically-adjusted output growth matters, not gross.

    In short, you are an idiot. Before commenting on issues you don’t understand using polemics borrowed from cable news channels, first ask yourself “is this a brilliant opportunity to shut up?”


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