EXPOSED: Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Political Syndicate – Total Corruption


Again (for new Infinite Unknown readers) I need to tell you that Obama is just another elite puppet President like Bush, Clinton etc.

The following video exposes also several other elite puppet US administrations:

Elite Puppet President Obama Exposed

More info below.

Added: 15. January 2011

Random facts you probably didn’t know:

1. Michael Chertoff was part of prosecution team that helped blow the 1993 World Trade Center investigation

2. Patrick Fitzgerald who was Chertoff’s boss on the WTC non-investigation is now in Illinois prosecuting political opponents of Rahm Emmanuel and Barack Obama

3. Rahm Emanuel’s father was an Israeli terrorist who specialized in bombing buses and killing British troops in Palestine

4. Emanuel and Obama both used a Washington DC townhouse provided to them by a BP lobbyist when Emanuel was a Congressman and Obama was a Senator

5. Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel were members of the same gay bath house in Chicago

6. A former staffer of the woman who rented Emanuel the townhouse just died…in a fire…in her garage…behind her house. Her husband is a top Obama staffer Dan Turton.

7. Larry Silverstein – leasee of the World Trade Center – is now the owner of the Chicago Sears Tower

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

If you ever wondered why Obama is carrying out the corporate-fascist agenda of the Bush family, you’ll understand everything after watching this video

Source: Brasscheck TV

Obama is now the worst President in the history of the United States of America, because not only did Obama approve and extend all Bush policies, but he also added even more unconstitutional laws and policies to them.

Obama like Bush (and all the other elite puppet criminals) is a traitor.

Change we can believe in!

The record from hell (only a small part of it):

Obama’s Internet ID Equates To National Real ID Card For Accessing The Internet

Hawaii Governor Can’t Find President Obama’s Birth Certificate

US Government Borrows 40 Percent Of Every Dollar It Spends

US Congress Quietly Prepares to Renew Patriot Act

US Government Spends $6.85 Million Per Minute

Max Keiser: Monsanto And The Seeds Of Evil – Max Calls Obama A ‘Friggin NAZI’

Obama Administration Plans Internet Identity Ecosystem to Protect Online Users Through ‘Trusted Digital Identities’

Geithner Warns Lawmakers That Failure to Raise US Debt Limit ‘Precipitates a Default by the United States’ With Catastrophic Economic Consequences

Obama Sends 1,400 More Marines to Afghanistan (Pledged In Dec. to Start Bringing Troops Home Next Summer)

Utah: $1.5 Billion NSA Cyber-Security Center Under Way

Obama Administration Tells Agencies: Measure ‘Happiness,’ Look For ‘Despondence and Grumpiness’ to Prevent New WikiLeaks

Hiding The Greatest Depression: How The US Government Does It

S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Bill and Codex Alimentarius

Oops! Obama Mama Passport ‘Destroyed’ – Records For The Years Surrounding Obama’s 1961 Birth Are Missing

New Obama Eligibility Challenge Reaches The U.S. Supreme Court

The TSA’s State-Mandated Molestation

President Obama To Enact ‘Death Panels’

Barack Obama’s Family Holiday In Hawaii Costs At Least $1.5 Million As Mainland America Is Battered By Storms.

Warren Buffett’s $600 Million INTEREST-FREE Loan From US Taxpayers Or How The Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves At Taxpayers Expense

Obamatax Law Packed With Obscure Business Tax Cuts

US Treasury: Government Liabilities Rose $2 Trillion in Fiscal Year 2010

President Obama to Sign Package Extending Tax Breaks For The Rich

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of US Foreign Policy

In pushing Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi dismisses authority of US Constitution

30 Facts – The Rothschild Bankers Planned The Gulf Disaster

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Gulf Coast Oil Spill’

Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

US House of Representatives Passes Unconstitutional S.510/HR 2751, The Food Safety Modernization Act

Unconstitutional S. 510 Food Safety Bill Passed by Senate in Late-Night Sneak Attack on Small Farmers and Food Freedom

BETRAYED BY THE GOP – Unconstitutional S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act Sent Back to House Tuesday 12.21. PUSH BACK NEEDED NOW!

And Now: Democrats Pull Fast One With S. 510 Food Safety Bill

Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional

US: Highest November Budget Deficit On Record

Walmart Public Service Announcement By STASI Secretary Janet Napolitano

BP Victims Won’t Be Allowed to Sue If They Accept Compensation

Obama supporter Velma Hart ‘Exhausted’ Defending Barack Obama’s Policies Loses Her Job

Rep. Ron Paul on CNN: ‘We Don’t Solve Our Problems By Abusing The Rights Of American Citizens!’

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Proposes Full-Body Scanners For Trains, Boats, Metro

Rep. Ron Paul to TSA: Stop Irradiating Our Bodies and Fondling Our Children!

1 in 7 US Households Hit By Hunger Issues in 2009

White House Probe Clears BP Over Oil Spill Disaster

President Obama Warns of Unemployment Being ‘New Normal’ in US

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Wall Street

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Looting Of America

Pentagon Awards $630 Million Afghanistan Contract to Highly Controversial Supplier

America – The End of Liberty (Documentary)

In US 14 Percent Rely on Food Stamps, 42,389,619 Americans received food stamps in August

Federal Reserve Will Surpass China As Top Holder Of US Debt By The End Of The Month: Shit Just Got Real!

US Spends 511 Million Dollars on Embassy Expansion in Afghanistan

Marine Toxicologist Dr. Riki Ott: ‘People Now Dropping Dead’ In the Gulf

US Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker Pelosi Vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’

The Dylan Ratigan Show with Prof. William Black: ‘Fire Holder, Fire Geithner, Fire Bernanke’

The US is building an £8 billion super military base on the Pacific island of Guam

Elite Puppet President Obama Exposed (The video exposes also several other puppet US administrations.)

Transparency: US Treasury Shields Citigroup as Deletions Undercut Disclosure

Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs, roughly $2 million per job: Report

Barack Obama: ‘Under My Plan of a Cap-and-Trade System Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket’ (Flashback) – Obama’s Ulterior Motives Explained

Three Horrifying Facts About the US Debt ‘Situation’

The White House Blocked Government Scientists From Warning The American Public of The Potential Environmental Disaster Caused By Gulf Oil Spill

Tickerguy On Dylan Ratigan Show – Massive Fraud At The Highest Levels!

Operation Dark Heart: Book Burning by Obama Administration

FBI agents seek the right to tap texts, emails and websites

President Obama Argues His Unconstitutional Assassination Program Is A ‘State Secret’

Obama Administration Plans Largest Arms Deal Ever, Worth $60 Billion

US Census Bureau Reports Highest Poverty Rate Since 1994: 14.3 Percent

Interview With Gerald Celente: The Gestapo of Food

President Obama Wins The Right to Invoke ‘State Secrets’ to Protect Bush Crimes

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Responds to Federal Government Suit

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Being Sued By Federal Government

Change: Obama Administration Forbids Sale of 850,000 Antique Rifles

American Deaths In Afghanistan Surpass Highest Annual Record

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu: ‘Mexican Drug Cartels Literally Do Control Parts Of Arizona’

US: Record 1 in 6 Americans in Government Anti-Poverty Programs

Paul Craig Roberts: Death of the First Amendment – The Nazification of the United States

RED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers

Obama has the same position as Bush on Al-Qaeda:

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

Gulf claims chief Ken Feinberg says BP no-sue rule was his idea, takes control of BP’s $20bn fund

575 American Soldiers Have Died In Afghanistan During Barack Obama’s Presidency, The Same Number As During George Bush’s Entire Time In Office

Nearly 50 Percent leave Obama Mortgage-Relief Program

Army Gags Officer Challenging Obama Eligibility; Officer’s Defense Team Demanding Obama Birth Docs

US Military Judge: Confessions Obtained By Threatening The Subject With Rape Are Admissible In Court

Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch With Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, Justin Raimondo And Gerald Celente

John Williams: ‘Times That Try Our Souls’ (U.S. Bankruptcy – Hyperinflation – Great Depression), Preparedness Can Save Your Life

Elena Kagan Blocked At Least 9 Obama Eligibility Lawsuits

US: Food stamp Use Hit Record 40.8 Million in May

Admiral Mike Mullen: US has plan to attack Iran (if needed)

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

Obama Administration Proposal To Give FBI Access To Your Internet History Without Court Order

SEC Says New Financial Regulation Law Exempts it From Public Disclosure, incl. FOIA!!!

Nancy Pelosi Blocks Gulf Disaster Investigation

And Now ObamaService? H.R. 5741: Universal National Service Act

EPA Whistleblower On Gulf Health Risk Cover-Up: ‘People Who Work Near Corexit Are Hemorrhaging Internally.’

TARP Watchdog Neil Barofsky: US Taxpayers On The Hook For $23.7 Trillion

Obama Bankster Bill Lets Banks Have US Over A Barrel Again


Obamacare: Gold Coin Sellers Angered by New Tax Law

Change: Estate Tax Top Rate To Jump From Zero To 55%, Exemption To Shrink To Just $1 Million

Harvard Prof. Niall Ferguson Warns of Sudden Collapse of American ‘Empire’

Obama Administration Plans Secret Big Brother ‘Perfect Citizen’ Net Surveillance

General James Mattis who said it was ‘fun to shoot people’ takes over US Central Command

Obama Administration To Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

Dylan Ratigan Show: President Obama ‘Has A Hit List Of American Citizens Like YOU targeted For Assassination’

Now truth is bad for you: ‘Obama warns Erdogan international Gaza flotilla probe bad for Turkey’

Barack Obama’s ‘Politics As Usual’ Revealed By Rod Blagojevich Trial

Third US carrier, 4,000 Marines augment US armada opposite Iran

Obama Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Approved By Senate Committee

Ron Paul on Stanley McChrystal

Rahm Emanuel ‘traded political favour with Rod Blagojevich’

Americans buying their own health insurance face an average 20 percent increase in premiums

Report: US and Israeli warships cross Suez Canal toward Red Sea

US Senate Bill Proposes Internet ‘Kill Switch’ For The President

Big Brother DHS And DOD Want To Open US Skies To Spy Drones

President Obama Has Already Outdone Every Previous President In Prosecuting Whistleblowers

The Spill, The Scandal and the President: The inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years – and let the world’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder

US government debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: ‘Obama Deceives the Public’

US: $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP (Chart of Day)

10 US States Where An Absurd Percentage Of The Population Works For The Government

US ‘secret war’ expands globally as Special Operations forces are deployed in 75 countries

Paul Craig Roberts: A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State”

Paul Craig Roberts: ‘AIPAC Owns The US Puppet Government’

(Flashback) Obama: ‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’ (!)

US Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region

President Obama’s New World Order: ‘We have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation’

President Obama Wins The Right to Detain People With No Habeas Review

Meltup (Documentary): The Beginning Of A US Currency Crisis And Hyperinflation.

US government can execute its own citizens far from a combat zone, with no judicial process and based on secret intelligence!

US posts 19th straight monthly budget deficit; April deficit nearly four times higher than in 2009

Obama Picks Elena Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for Supreme Court

Peter Schiff on Obama’s Financial Regulation Bill and Goldman Sachs

Peter Schiff: Obama’s Financial Reform Does Nothing To Address The Underlying Problems

Gerald Celente: Obama’s Financial Reform Is Just A Show

Mike Krieger: Goodbye Disneyland! – The Neo-Feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy Has Already Begun

President Obama Repaying His Masters At Goldman Sachs

Marriage Penalties Increase Dramatically Under ObamaCare

US won’t share Ft Hood evidence with Senate: Gates

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente on ObamaCare, Dollar Devaluation And Gold

Peter Schiff on ObamaCare

Rep. Ron Paul: President Obama Is ‘Not A Socialist.’ ‘He Is A Corporatist.’

Dylan Ratigan Show With Alan Grayson: The Great Con Job By The Fed, The Government And The Banksters

Obama Administration Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric

Michelle Obama says Barack’s Home country is Kenya – full statement

Judge Napolitano on Obama’s Private Army

Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Lobbyist of CropLife America Whose Members Include Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont and Dow Chemical

Obama Gives ‘Pesticide Lobbyist’ Post as Chief Agricultural Negotiator

It’s Official: America Now Enforces Capital Controls

Rep. Ron Paul: Healthcare Will Drive US To Bankruptcy

John Pilger: Have a Nice World War III, Folks

Ron Paul on MSNBC’s Morning Joe: We have only one party in America and all they fight over is power and influence

Obamacare: 12 Taxes Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000

Obama exempt from Obamacare

Joe Biden to Barack Obama: ‘Mr. President, This Is A Big F****** Deal’

Rep. Ron Paul: Healthcare Bill is ‘Blatantly Unconstitutional And Contrary to The Ideals of Liberty’

Health Care Bill ‘Dangerously Expands IRS’s Power’

US Government Preparing For Civil Unrest In America

Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano: Unconstitutional National Worker ID Card

Obamacare Tax Hikes

Record: National Debt Up $2 Trillion in Just 421 Days on Obama’s Watch

Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush

US budget deficit hits record $221bn, the largest monthly deficit in history

US Drone Strikes in Pakistan: 1 in 3 Killed Are Civilians

New Obama Administration Program Will Pay Homeowners to Sell at a Loss

Michael Moore: ‘Democrats are a bunch of wusses … It’s disgusting … I’m sick of them’

President Obama signs one-year extension of Patriot Act

Cybersecurity Bill To Give President Obama New Emergency Powers

Obama Administration Using Accounting Gimmicks That Would Make Enron ‘Blush,’ Says Republican Lawmaker

US Senate votes to extend Patriot Act

Judge Napolitano and Angela Keaton on Freedom Watch: Obama’s Bush Foreign Policy

Obama Signs Law Raising Public Debt Limit from $12.4 Trillion to $14.3 Trillion

Cynthia McKinney at Munich Germany NATO Peace Rally: ‘My Country Has Been Hijacked By A Criminal Cabal’

President Obama’s Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than $250,000 a Year

Rep. Alan Grayson: ’20 Percent Of Our Accumulated Wealth Over The Course Of 2 Centuries Gone in 18 months!’

Paul Craig Roberts: It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is A Police State

Prof. Russell Roberts Testifies Before House Committee: ‘I Want My Country Back!’

Director of National Intelligence Says US May Kill Americans Abroad

The New Vision of the Obama Administration: War Without End

MSNBC Exposes President Obama’s lies: FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT $700 Billion!

Pentagon’s New Record Black Budget Tops $56 Billion

Obama’s $3.8 Trillion Budget: Tax Rise of $1.9 Trillion for Richer Americans, Businesses

Rep. Ron Paul on Obama seeking to assassinate ‘US citizens’ he labels as terrorist

President Obama raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles

Marc Faber: Obama Makes Bush Look Like a Genius

Obamanomics: Why Did the ‘Stimulus’ Fail to Help the US Economy?

President Obama to indefinitely imprison detainees without charges

Ron Paul: US Foreign Policy is Bankrupting America

America’s Impending Master Class Dictatorship!

US: Supreme Court overturns long-standing limits on corporate political campaign spending

Senate Proposes Increasing US Debt Limit to $14.3 Trillion: “If Congress does not enact this legislation, and soon, then the Treasury would default on its debt for the first time in history,” said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus

Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 (Key Points)

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: Financial Mafia Controlling US and Wall Street

Peter Schiff: The Lunacy of US Government Programs

Larry Summers, Robert Rubin: Will The Harvard Shadow Elite Bankrupt The University And The Country?

Nobel Peace Laureate Obama seeks additional $33 billion for wars, on top of a record request for $708 billion for the Defense Department

Barack Obama’s Health Care Lies And Reversals

PIMCO’S Bill Gross: ‘Let’s Get Fisical’ (… or why the US will not make it.)

U.S. Avoids Technical Default By Three Days

As an American, I refuse to buy mandatory health insurance … that supports Big Pharma

Obamacare to expand IRS role: Checking if Americans have health insurance

Prof. Dr. David Michael Green: Now I’m Really Getting Pissed Off … With Obama

US government lies about Flight 253 ‘crotch bomber’ patsy: Summary of the evidence; Yemen attack implication

Afghan CIA suicide bomber ‘was courted as potential informant’

US government wants farmers to use coal waste on fields

We’re Screwed! Hyperinflation like in the Weimar Republic; Great Depression worse than in the 1930s

Treason: Obama gives INTERPOL immunity from the Constitution (Amending Executive Order 12425)

Peter Schiff on Obamacare, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Obama administration backs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac no matter how big their losses may be

Obamacare: Big payoffs to senators on health bill stoke public anger

Obamacare: Change Nobody Believes In

Obama’s surge comes at a cost: At least $57,077.60 per minute

President Obama: Another Busy Day in The Oval Office!

Fascism in America: By Political Definition The US Is Now Fascist, Not A Constitutional Republic

Barack Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!!!!!

Robert Fisk, The Independent’s award-winning Middle East correspondent: Obama is a Disaster, Worse than Bush

Obama’s Big Sellout (Rolling Stone Magazine)

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: The Truth About Afghanistan

White House ‘Party Crashers’ Knew President Obama For Years, Here Pictured With Obama in 2005

MSNBC Rachel Maddow: War President Obama

Ron Paul: ‘Obama is Actually Preparing Us For Perpetual War’

Afghanistan Surge to Cost At Least $40 Billion, That Is $1.333.333 For One US Soldier Per Year

Paul Craig Roberts: The Obama Puppet – The World’s Least Powerful Man

Change: 71% are Angry, 46% are Very Angry at Federal Government (Rasmussen Reports)

President Obama will keep millions of pages of military and intelligence documents scheduled to be declassified secret

Lawmakers Slam Obama Administration for Faulty Job Data on Government Web Site

White House Pharma Deal to Net Industry $137 Billion

Afghanistan: New 67-Million-Dollar US Prison At Bagram

Obama Lied About Health Care: ‘Nobody considers that a tax increase’ – Ask The Justice Dept. And Joint Commitee on Taxation!


Health Care Treason: Tell The Senate No, We Will Sue

The ‘Obama Market’ in Kabul: US Military Rations, Sleeping Bags, Tactical Goggles on Sale

Paul Craig Roberts: Republic of Fools & The Evil Empire

President Obama: Penalties have to be high enough to force people to buy health insurance

Pelosi Healthcare Bill: Buy Insurance or Go To Jail

President Obama creates 640,329 jobs at a cost of $323,739.83 per job

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Health reform legislation ‘a bailout for insurance companies’

US: Up to 95.2% Income Tax Rate Needed to Close Deficit in 2010

How the Obama administration inflates the number of jobs created

$160,000 Per Stimulus Job!?! The White House Calls That ‘Calculator Abuse’

More Than 40% of President Obama’s Top-Level Fundraisers Secured Posts in His Administration

President Obama signs law blocking release of torture photos

H1N1 Swine Flu A National Emergency? Take A Close Look At This Chart

President Obama declares H1N1 swine flu a national emergency

US intelligence budget: $75 billion and 200,000 employees; Fusion centers to access classified military intelligence

President Obama Lobbies Senate, Favors Insurance Industry Version of Health Care Reform

Fall Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (The Full Movie HQ)

President Obama gets a seasonal flu shot, but not for swine flu

The US Government: Bought and Paid For

President Obama, Congress prepare to thwart ACLU suit over abuse photos

President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize and hell freezes over!

President Obama nominated for Nobel Peace Prize less then two weeks after Inauguration!!!

The New World Order

US: Military to get mandatory swine flu shots soon

Americans threatened with jail, huge fines for refusing to buy health insurance

President Obama Extends 9/11 National Emergency

Obama’s Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent

Philip Giraldi: The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy

Obama’s first act as President of the US: EXECUTIVE ORDER 13489 – Banning release of any of his records

Rep. John Carter: Our Own Congress is Trying to Silence Us

John Pilger: Barack Obama is a Corporate Marketing Creation

Were the bailouts even constitutional?

Obama administration asks the Supreme Court to block detainee photos

Obama leaves Bush’s NSPD 51 intact

Monsanto lobbyists to be placed in charge of food safety by Obama

Joe Biden: We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt

Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet

The Obama Stimulus Failed: States Use Stimulus Money for Short-Term Needs, Audit Shows

Barack Obama at AIPAC (Flashback)

Former Associate Attorney General Bruce Fein: Obama ‘shuts his eyes’ to ‘open confessions’ of Bush-era war crimes

Obama’s Money Cartel (Flashback)

Barack Obama Hires Another Tax-Screwer-Upper

Obama now resembles Bush

Obama administration refuses to disclose “high hazard” coal dump locations

Ron Paul: The Obama administration gives a tremendous amount of more power to the Federal Reserve, the very institution that created our problem (6/18/09)

Obama proposals to greatly increase the power of the Federal Reserve

No change: Obama ambassadorships still go to fundraisers, friends

ACLU hits Obama administration hard over torture controversies

Obama’s Homeland Security Nominee Withdraws Amid Questions About Torture

Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you … President Obama

Obama: Israel’s security is paramount

Obama Breaks Major Campaign Promise as Military Commissions Resume, Says Amnesty International

Obama administration seeks indefinite detention for terror suspects

Here Are a Few of the Torture Photos Obama Doesn’t Want You To See

Lou Dobbs: Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Treaty

Obama and the War Criminals

Obama and habeas corpus — then and now

Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC’s, Laptops, and media devices

Obama Received a $101,332 Bonus from AIG

The Obama Deception

Paul Craig Roberts: From One Assault On The Constitution To Another

Obama backs Bush: No rights for Bagram prisoners

Obama Stimulus Saves Microsoft Billionaire Hundreds Of Millions

Obama, not Bush, now seeking delay of Rove deposition

Barack Obama to allow anti-terror rendition to continue

Obama promised that lobbyists “won’t find a job in my White House”, but here they are again

What Recession? The $170 Million Inauguration

Paul Craig Roberts On The U.S. Leadership: “They Are Criminals” – The Potential Here Is Far Worse Than The Great Depression

Cost for a single soldier to fight in Iraq or Afghanistan is about $775,000 per year

CNN – Lou Dobbs: Obama Backing North American Union Agenda

Jim Rogers: If Obamanomics happens it’s all over

Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font

Change, change, change … Obama’s Bailout Bunch Brings Us More of the Same Bullshit

Obama’s Chief of Staff Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

Obama’s Chief of Staff pick is one of the biggest recipients of Wall Street money in Congress

Ron Paul: McCain, Obama ‘no difference’

Joe Biden: I am a Zionist

Joe Biden in 2007 interview: I am a Zionist

– On video: Obama Claims He Has Visited 57 States

At a campaign event in Beaverton, OR, Obama claimed to have visited 57 U.S. states during the campaign.

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