ZH Geopolitical Week Ahead: This Is A Declaration Of War

ZH Geopolitical Week Ahead: This Is A Declaration Of War:


A handful of publications and pundits have pointed out that the Monday Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy complex in Damascus, which killed eleven and took out a top IRGC Quds general, is in fact a declaration of war. For example, Hamidreza Azizi of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, immediately sought to underscore that the strikes which flattened a consulate next to the main embassy building “is viewed by some in Iran as a declaration of war by Israel against Iran.” He wrote further that “It represents a shift from previous engagements, directly hitting Iranian soil represented by its consulate in Syria—as opposed to targeting IRGC officers in Syrian sites.”
This is 100% true. But the Western news consuming public has perhaps become somewhat used to seeing headlines of Israel striking ‘Iranian assets’ in Syria, given this has gone on for years. But this time it’s different–and it’s a big, big deal. The WSJ and some others are slowly beginning to acknowledge the new reality with Tuesday headlines like, Israel-Iran Conflict Threatens to Spill Into Open Warfare. However, we should point out that Israel’s attack on a location protected by the Vienna Convention is already in actuality an ‘act of open warfare’.

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