Full article here:
– Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use”:
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID “Vaccine” and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical “SM-102.”
The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as “NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE”
Here is the information published by the Connecticut Department of Health about the Moderna COVID Vaccine, which lists its INGREDIENTS:
According to the manufacturer, Cayman Chemical Company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this chemical causes “Acute Toxicity “Fatal in contact with skin.”
In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102 “Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.”
Here are two sections from the manufacturer’s OSHA filing:
This appears to be what they are injecting into YOUR arm when you take the Moderna COVID Vax. You are APPARENTLY being POISONED!
Perhaps this is why so many people are having “adverse reactions” to the so-called “vaccine?”
Yet Health departments all over this country are running TV and Radio ads telling the general public this vaccine is “safe.” That seems to be FALSE ADVERTISING.
The full information release from the Connecticut Department of health, listing the ingredients, can be downloaded directly from the Connecticut State Government web site HERE (Archived HERE)
The full Material Data Safety Sheet on Chemical “SM-102” can be downloaded from the Cayman Chemical Company web site HERE (Archived HERE)
Now that this information is out, YOU may wish to carefully re-think whether or not you want someone injecting this into YOU.
For those who made the decision to get this vaccine, you may want to get in touch with a good personal injury lawyer and present this information to that attorney. (While you’re still alive.)
UPDATE MAY 18 12:30 PM EDT —
I am getting a lot of bullshit emails from biochemists telling me that the evil data about SM-102 has to do with the fact that it is delivered via a solution of Chloroform and the hazards listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) deal with Chloroform. No, they don’t.
The MSDS deals with the substance SM-102 as it is manufactured by Cayman Chemical Company. Period.
The ingredients list in the Moderna COVID ‘Vaccine” lists SM-102 as the third most-prevalent ingredient in the vaccine, and that ingredient is as the Cayman Chemical Company describes it. It’s that simple.
But this actually gets worse.
Chloroform is the solution used with the SM-102 and Chloroform has been outlawed for use by consumers for decades.
The reason Chloroform is outlawed for use by consumers has to do with how long it stays in a human body and what it does to a human body while it’s inside. The Half-Life of Chloroform is 180 days. That means that it takes half a YEAR for only HALF of the chloroform, to be exited out of the body. You with me so far?
Chloroform, like any other chemical, breaks down. And when it comes into contact with oxygen, it breaks down into . . . . wait for it . . . . Phosgene Gas.
Phosgene gas is fatal to humans in concentrations as low as seven parts per million (7ppm).
So all these folks getting the “jab” are getting an arm full of Chloroform which, as it circulates through their bodies will break down into phosgene gas.
Depending upon the unique functions of various people, some — maybe many — of those people MIGHT reach the fatal threshold of phosgene gas in their system, and die from it; likely within 180 days after the second “jab.”
But wait, there’s even MORE! Phosgene is a highly toxic substance that exists as a gas at room temperature. Owing to its poor water solubility, one of the hallmarks of phosgene toxicity is an unpredictable asymptomatic latent phase before the development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Yes, the lungs fill with fluid and the patient can’t breathe. Just like . . . . wait for it . . . . “COVID.”
As these people start dropping like flies, the very same people who brought us the vaccine can simply blame it on a COVID variant. Gee, too bad they died from a COVID variant that the vaccine couldn’t protect them from.
Would that be plausible deniability for mass murder? You decide.
Great way to depopulate the planet and no one is the wiser because the deaths are so chronologically distant from the jab and the symptoms of phosgene gas poisoning mimic the symptoms of COVID.
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Does this poison have a smell when it is gas form? Can it exist in the air on its own? Could it be sprayed in small amounts in the air? If so, how long could it remain airborne? Could it cause the same symptoms as SARSCOV2 is claimed to cause if it is inhaled?
I appreciate your report. A MSDS is specific to a certain compound/substance and gives the toxic effects associated with the compound/substance. Regardless of its use, Cayman’s MSDS for SM-102 clearly lists chloroform as an ingredient. Their website for the substance also states the amino lipid portion of SM-102 is soluble in chloroform. Therefore (and as you so excellently put it), SM-102 contains chloroform, pure and simple.
It’s analogous to drinking water from the ocean: Does ocean water contain water? Yes. Is [unadulterated] water healthy and safe to drink? Yes. Is ocean water safe to drink? No, unless you have a way to extract the excessive amounts of salt from the water.
As far as I know, there is no data indicating Moderna is successfully separating the amino lipid portion of SM-102 from chloroform.
Look at page 3 of the MSDS. It clearly states what the dangerous ingredients are. I’m not taking the vaccines because they create the Spike but SM-102 alone is safe.
This explains so many of the reactions people are getting from seizures to miscarriage irregular periods,to dropping dead of heart failure a month after injection. And if it’s in one it’s likely in all of them. And like one doctor I follow says just because you escaped a reaction the first time don’t except that for the second or third and so on it will catch up with you.
I don’t want you to confuse people. Check page 3.
I’m not taking the vaccines currently available because they create the spike which does alot of damage the time it’s in you.
I read the document and fail to see what you are trying to point out.
So I guess you’re intentionally misleading people. That sucks, I enjoyed your content. I wish you good health.