World News (Jan 28, 2020 EDN): Paris descends into chaos as riot police deploy GRENADES & WATER CANNONS against striking firefighters (VIDEOS) – Congress Now Funding “Controversial” Geoengineering ‘Plan B’ To Spray Particles In The Sky To Cool Earth – Jim Rickards: What Happens When A Biological Virus Turns Into A Financial Virus? – Could The Coronavirus Epidemic Be The Tipping Point In Supply Chain Leaving China? – CBO Projects Budget Deficit Surpassing $1 Trillion This Year, Sees US Debt Growing Exponentially After – Israel Will Vote Sunday To Annex West Bank Lands Delineated In Trump’s ‘Peace Plan’ – Abbas reacts to Trump’s Middle East peace deal: ‘Jerusalem is not for sale, your conspiracy deal will not pass’ – HAMAS OFFICIALLY REJECTS TRUMP PEACE PLAN: ARABIYA – Germany continues to destroy its economy on purpose – Demand For “Prepper Properties” Soars Amid “Concerns About Social Stability” – Stocks Soar To Best Day In 4 Months As “Devil”-Virus Death-Count Spikes – “The Consumer balance sheet has never been greater” Yes, BUT… – Doctor Copper Catche Coronavirus With Worst Performance In 34 Years – Bernie Sanders Staffer Admits Campaign Attracts “Marxists, Leninists And Anarchists” – Watch: CNN Calls Trump Supporters Stupid Illiterate Rednecks – Bitcoin Surges Back Above $9,000 – California Sued After Concealing $320 Billion In Annual State Payments – Virginia Congress Continues Gun Control Frenzy with 9 More Bills – Antivirus Software Harvests “Every Search, Every Click, Every Buy, On Every Site” – University of Missouri Students Will Now Be Required to Install Location Tracking App – “It’s Time To Sell”: Charles Nenner Warns “Market Will Go Down 40%” – Tucker laughing directly in John Bolton’s face then summarily dismissing him is definitely one of his best moments – What ever happened to #DrainTheSwamp? – Afghanistan launches polio vaccination ‘targeting 9.1 million kids


One way or another TPTB will cause the planned total financial collapse,…

…and all they need is a good excuse, so that they will not be blamed for it…

TPTB still bankrupting America…

Trump, like Obama, the Bushs and the Clintons is an Illuminati puppet and…

‘War is Peace’…


The outstanding German seer Alois Irlmaier foresaw this in around 1950…

“It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

– Alois Irlmaier

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”


Ron Paul: Israel Created Hamas (Video):

Continue to…

…because it’s coming!

Meanwhile in #TheGreatestEconomyEver…

#BigBrother, #NWO…

Individual professors will choose whether or not to use the app. If they choose to use it, students in those classes will be unable to opt-out and therefore forced to install the software on their mobile phones.

…and this will surely end well,…


What a f****** idiot…

Ann Wigmore is one of those who achieved this…


‘Conditional Sovereignty’???…

Just another Illuminati puppet…

Get those tweets translated…

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