World News (August 20, 2018 Edition): Land seizures begin in South Africa after owners refuse govt lowball buyout offer – Tesla Tumbles After JPM Cuts Price Target By $113 To $195 In Scathing Report – Indonesia: Kindergarten dresses children as armed jihadis for parade

All-out civil war has been predicted for South Africa by Nicolaas ‘Siener’ van Rensburg (Siener = Afrikaans for “seer“).

Nicolaas van Rensburg, like Alois Irlmaier, also predicted the migrant crisis, the financial collapse, hunger, civil war and WW3.




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1 thought on “World News (August 20, 2018 Edition): Land seizures begin in South Africa after owners refuse govt lowball buyout offer – Tesla Tumbles After JPM Cuts Price Target By $113 To $195 In Scathing Report – Indonesia: Kindergarten dresses children as armed jihadis for parade”

    Scientists Link ‘Cat’ Parasite To Common Neurological Disorders

    A new study shows that Toxoplasma gondii — a brain parasite often transmitted to humans by cats — triggers various changes in the human brain which potentially allow the pathogen to exacerbate several pre-existing neurological conditions. It’s a worrisome finding given that around eight million Australians are infected with the parasite, but more work is needed to assess T. gondii’s full impact on human health.


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