Related info:
– Vladimir Putin ‘wanted to hang Georgian President Saakashvili by the balls’
– Saakashvili admitted that Georgia began military operations in South Ossestia
– Saakashvili supporters march to demand Poroshenko step down:
MINSK, Belarus (AP) — Several thousand supporters of deported Ukrainian opposition figure Mikheil Saakashvili marched through the center of Kiev on Sunday, demanding the resignation of President Petro Poroshenko.
The protest included a nationalist faction, and some of its members broke windows at two Russian-owned banks and a Russian overseas agency after the march. Saakashvili, who was Georgia’s president during 2004-2013, later became governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region. He resigned in a dispute with Poroshenko and was stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship last year.
He also lost his Georgian citizenship and is wanted in Georgia to face abuse of power charges. Saakashvili was abroad when he lost Ukrainian citizenship, but forced his way back into the country in September.
On Monday, he was detained at a Kiev restaurant and deported to Poland.
H/t reader squodgy:
“The peasants are revolting….in the Balkans.”
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