Arizona Cop Executes Terrified Man in Cold Blood (Video)

Video of the Day – Arizona Cop Executes Terrified Man in Cold Blood:

Correction: Since I published this post, a material mistake in my analysis has come to light. It affects the entire tone of my writing, and is thus significant enough to highlight and address.

It appears the psychopathic officer yelling the preposterous demands and needlessly escalating the situation toward an execution of a U.S. citizen, was not the cop who shot and killed Daniel Shaver, but another officer, Sergeant Charles Langley. Sergeant Langley has since retired from the force and moved to the Philippines. Not kidding.

While this makes the overall situation far more disturbing, it also makes they jury’s decision more complex than assumed. If this was just the individual actions of one crazed, murderous cop, that’d be bad enough, but this was actually a tag team of two crazed, murderous cops. Which means this is systemic, and Mesa, AZ obviously has no idea what it’s doing when it comes to hiring and training police.

Oh, and something else I didn’t mention in the original piece. The officer who did kill Shaver, Philip Mitchell Brailsford, had “You’re Fucked” etched into the dust cover of his service weapon. The judge did not allow the jury to see that.

The full post as published originally is below:

The events in the video below took place in January 2016. Every U.S. citizen should watch this and share. It’s horrifying that a person hired to “protect and serve” seems to derive so much pleasure from demeaning and then executing someone he swore to defend.

This police officer acts as if he’s mentally deranged, and based on his statements before killing the terrified, crawling victim, it seems he was looking for any excuse to shoot. Then, after he does shoot and kill, he doesn’t flinch. At all.

Even worse, this cop was just found “not guilty” by an Arizona jury.

The officer’s name is Philip Mitchell Brailsford, which you should be aware of in case he comes looking for a job in your town. The executed citizens’ name is Daniel Shaver.

Read more on the story over at Reason.

H/t reader squodgy:

“Like “disrespect of police” is unearned?”

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