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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
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It has no backing whatsoever other that massive Debt.
It is an international pariah, as more and more countries walk away. This is an organised situation by the Bankster cabal who need a war or bad event to smokescreen the monetary/currency collapse caused by their perpetual creation of debt to feed their greed for wealth & power.
The USD is already losing credibility overseas, especially those countries with modest debt backed by real assets, resources & gold, and overseas suppliers will be holding off until paid…up front.
Also the US/EU/UK has upset & invaded far too many countries to be a desirable trading partner.
Consequential shortages of basic produce will trigger inflation which will accelerate to hyperinflation, a stage where a loaf of bread doubles in price overnight.
For ordinary people, those in the west who have rejected the warnings since the practice session of 2008, it will be difficult, as society struggles with reality.