H/t Reader squodgy:
“As Carlin said….THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK”
– New Horror In Iraq: Mossad/P2OG Truck Bomb Kills Scores In Baghdad Veggie Market:
So sick of this. Another day, another murderous blast in Iraq. At least 25 civilians were slaughtered and dozens of others were badly hurt when a gigantic truck bomb went off in the Rashidiyah neighborhood of Baghdad. Not even remotely coincidental that this attack occurs simultaneously with the deployment of 560 more American ZOG forces onto our soil. While the suicide attacks are coordinated by the Wahhabi Kingdom of Darkness and going back to 2003, AT LEAST 60% of all suicide bombers in Iraq were/are Saudi, there are plenty of other bombings in Iraq devoid of suicidal Takfiris and it is these sophisticated explosions that are carried out by Mossad and/or P2OG, the neocon-created false flag terrorism agency which never left our midst. P2OG–the bastard “chosenite” lovechild of genocidal, warmongering Zionist Jews William Schneider, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and OSP chief Abram Shulsky–is a literal fitnah-production machine and it not only has its own operatives, but also agents within the US army, the DIA and the CIA who use these “traditional” military institutions as covers for the Yinon/Clean Break/PNAC destabilization agenda they’re attempting to implement.
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