Caught On Tape: The Other Crisis Happening In Greece

Caught On Tape: The Other Crisis Happening In Greece (ZeroHedge, July 8, 2015):

With all eyes firmly focused on pensioners at the gate and ATM lines, there is another – just as cruel and unusual – crisis occurring in Greece. Europe’s immigration ‘problem’ is front-and-center on the island of Lesvos, as KeepTalkingGreece reports,unbelievable scenes as refugees try to raid a food truck. No, this is not Somalia…

The incident took place when nearly 2,500 migrants hosted in the camp of Lesvos (Mytilene) municipality in Kara Tepe saw the catering truck approaching. They started to run for a plate with food.

Reason fro the panic to be left hungry without food was a rumor claiming that catering service for refugees had stopped on the island of Samos due to debts.

With hundreds of refugees and undocumented migrants arrive daily to Greece from Turkey, the situation has gone out of control.


On Tuesday, another boat carrying people to Greece sank, more than 10 people went missing.

Next to the Greek humanitarian and economic crisis and the country on the brink of collapse, there is also the Refugees Crisis. Europe is keeping eyes and ears closed, while Eurocrats like European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker are making ‘nice promises’ for aid and relocation to other EU countries.

On the islands in Eastern Greece where the refugees arrive per boat and in other cities, many citizens have been set volunteers’ initiatives to help  refugees. The initiatives are been supported by local business that do whatever they can amid the worst financial crisis since 2010.


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