Gov Experts: Jellyfish hordes 10 blocks long on west coast of Seattle; So dense, like you can just walk on them…“Disturbing when all u catch are huge masses of jellyfish”—NPR: They seem to be replacing fish in food chain—Herring gone, salmon dying (PHOTO)

Gov Experts: Jellyfish hordes 10 blocks long on west coast of Seattle; So dense, like you can just walk on them…“Disturbing when all u catch are huge masses of jellyfish”—NPR: They seem to be replacing fish in food chain—Herring gone, salmon dying (PHOTO) (ENENews,May 14, 2015)

2 thoughts on “Gov Experts: Jellyfish hordes 10 blocks long on west coast of Seattle; So dense, like you can just walk on them…“Disturbing when all u catch are huge masses of jellyfish”—NPR: They seem to be replacing fish in food chain—Herring gone, salmon dying (PHOTO)”

  1. This is a direct result of the nuclear fallout in Japan. Our beaches are covered with barnacles, our fish life is dying. The sea shells are gone……All of this has happened since 3/11.

    As for stepping on jellyfish……the author has evidently never stepped on one… really stings…..nobody that has stepped on one will do it a second time.


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