Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis – TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post

Cancer Expert in Fukushima - There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here

Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis — TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 28, 2014):

Vice on HBO, Season 2 Episode 10, May 24, 2014 (at 3:45 in):

  • Dr. Masamichi Nishio, MD, Hokkaido Cancer Center radiologist who was examining children at elementary school 40 miles from Fukushima Daiichi: There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, so people should not be living here. But the government will not say that out loud. All they wanted to do was cover-up what had been done. There is a lot of secrecy. […]
  • Kayoko Hashimoto, Fukushima resident: The figures don’t add up. They don’t match what the government is saying.
  • Vikram Ghandi, Vice: The whole concept of these stationary Geiger counters becomes suspect when only a few feet away the readings are twice as high. And when you move even further away, those government monitors start feeling completely irrelevant. Over here by the edge of the school… Whoa. Sh*t. So the reading is now 3.5 [microSv/hr]. That level is 20 times higher than the monitoring post around the corner — on the playground, at an elementary school.

Vikram Gandh’s ‘Debrief’, May 24, 2014:

  • Shane Smith, Vice: Vikram Gandhi went to Fukushima, where levels of radiation have been drastically downplayed by the Japanese government. […]
  • Ghandi: Our Geiger counter was reading measurements up to 900 times the measurements we found in Tokyo.

Watch the VICE broadcast here and the ‘Debrief’ here

3 thoughts on “Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis – TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post”

  1. The true number is really much higher.
    We are all going to die from these savages.
    Since the US is so into war, why not wipe them out instead of being their ally? Why do we have such idiots running the world?
    We are Fucked.

  2. Australia 🙁 From what i see from over here okay .Your not being told the truth about Fukushima ,or is the world .Just getting told what they want you to here,O every thing is fine here in Japan .Well i hope some of you open your own eyes ? God bless all of you in Japan ,there are people that love you all

  3. Anyone stupid enough to love the Japanese leaders and their genocide deserves to die of radioactive poison.
    Radioactive poisoning kills by frying one from the inside out…….a truly horrific death.


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