Fukushima Updates

US Sailors’ Attorney: Fukushima has left an entire generation of young people crippled physically, mentally, and genetically — Nuclear radiation is threatening entire planet (AUDIO)

EU-funded Study: Over 20,000 square miles of Japan potentially contaminated from Fukushima releases — Home to 43 million people (MAP)

Update from NHK: “Record cesium level” in groundwater at Fukushima — 30,000 times higher than nearby well sampled last week — 50 meters from ocean (VIDEO)

Highest cesium levels ever measured from groundwater well at Fukushima — Broke record that had stood since last summer

Japan Times: Sources reveal Fukushima radiation cover-up — ‘Massively high levels’ hidden since last July — Nuclear Official: “Something like this cannot happen”

Reporters reveal “blast ruined inside of containment vessel” at Fukushima Unit 4 — Walls ‘destroyed’ — Explosion was ‘believed’ to have been outside reactor (PHOTO)

NPR: Scientists test for Fukushima plutonium being transported in Pacific — Study: Plutonium particles found to have “high environmental mobility” — Expert: Fuel materials may be flowing from plant, “What is actually contained in releases?” (AUDIO)

Newspaper: U.S. scientists worried about Fukushima radioactive plume — Expert: West Coast our top priority, even over Japan — Alaska Hunter: “We are concerned about our health” — Senator: Testing necessary, but money ‘tight’

‘Massive cracks’ found at Fukushima plant; 2,100 Bq/liter of strontium-90 detected from snow blanketing area — Asahi: Cracks up to 40 feet in concrete near tanks of radioactive waste

Gov’t: Radiation levels too high in Unit 4; Coming from small pieces of Cobalt-60? Workers forced to cover floor with lead — Experts: ‘Significant loss of leaktightness’ possible in Fukushima fuel pools

Seismologist: Could easily have M6 quake below Fukushima plant with “very destructive” result — Professor: There’s no way to stabilize fuel pool against strong quake (AUDIO)

Top U.S. Nuclear Official in Fukushima: We won’t know if molten fuel burned into earth until we get a device inside to look — Expert: All 3 reactor cores may have melted down into groundwater (VIDEO)

1 thought on “Fukushima Updates”

  1. It is likely much worse than they are saying, and millions will die. It is genocide.
    Only greedy guts will die, too…..but their greed and egotism tells them they will escape………..denial is a killer.
    The pope PR guy said it succinctly; “God forgives, nature does not.”
    Look at the weather patterns. The planet is very big, and very much alive……I lived in a coastal rain forest for 12 years, and I learned a lot about nature. When you won’t respect the balance of life on this planet, it will wash you away as easily as we might a few ants off a sink.,,,,
    These crazy weather cycles tell most of us the system is out of order thanks to greedy gut endless quest for more.
    When greed replaces creativity, we are doomed.


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