Related info:
– Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky: Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs – CRIMINAL WHO And IAEA EXPOSED (Video) (Don’t miss!)
See also:
– Beyond Criminal Top UN Official: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Health Impact Relatively Small
– Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper — They hid health effects in Chernobyl… same thing could happen to Fukushima” (ENENews, Jan 7, 2014):
Tokyo Shimbun, December 31, 2013, with translation by Fukushima Voice (version 2e), published Jan. 6, 2014: It was discovered that the memorandum of cooperation between the IAEA and Fukushima as well as Fukui Prefectures contain a confidentiality clause […] critics say “it could be preempting the State Secrecy Protection Law.” […] In Fukushima Prefecture, it was the prefectural government that entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of decontamination and radioactive waste management, whereas Fukushima Medical University entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of the survey of radiological effect on human health. […] “The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential.” […] if either the prefectures or IAEA decide to classify information for “they contribute to worsening of the residents’ anxiety,” there is a possibility that such information as the accident information, as well as radiation measurement data and thyroid cancer information may not be publicized. […] IAEA has published reports, after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, stating “there were no health effects due to radiation exposure.” […]
Practical Arrangements between Fukushima Medical University and the International Atomic Energy Agency on Cooperation in the Area of Human Health (pdf), Dec. 15, 2012: The Parties have identified the following areas and activities in which cooperation may be pursued: […] IAEA will assist the University in implementing the Fukushima Health Management Survey project; […] the Parties will collaborate in capacity building and research on human health programmes, including radiation emergency medicine; […] the IAEA will endeavour to organize conferences, seminars and workshops, in cooperation with the University, with the aim of enhancing public awareness of radiological effects on human health and addressing the issue of “radiation fear” and post-traumatic stress disorders in the Fukushima population; […] The Parties will support the widest possible dissemination of unclassified information […] The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential. […]
Ruiko Mutoh, representative of Fukushima nuclear disaster plaintiffs: “IAEA has a history of hiding information about health effects in Chernobyl. The same thing could happen to Fukushima.”
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