Goshi Hosono’s Ministry of the Environment is on the sudden offensive against citizens and residents of Kanto and Tohoku, again.
According to the Yomiuri Shinbun article, the Ministry of the Environment is already talking with the officials in the municipalities in three prefectures to built final disposal sites in their cities and towns.
As the wide-area disposal of disaster debris winds down as it is now widely revealed that there is simply not enough debris to widely distribute, Mr. Hosono looks desperate to do something so that he can claim he has made people “share the pain”.
From Yomiuri Shinbun (8/21/2012):
Final disposal sites for ashes from contaminated garbage to be built in the land owned by the national government in four prefectures
Concerning the disposal of ashes from incinerating the contaminated garbage and of contaminated sludge as the result of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident, the Ministry of the Environment has decided to build a final disposal site in the land owned by the national government in each of the four prefectures, Miyagi, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Chiba.
The locations will be selected by the end of September and announced.
Since the start of the nuclear accident, a large amount of ashes and sludge with high concentration of radioactive cesium has been generated at garbage incineration plants, water purification plants and sewer treatment plants in Tohoku and Kanto regions. The waste with more than 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium is to be disposed of by the national government. As of August 3, the amount of such waste is 42,575 tonnes in 9 prefectures [including Tokyo].
The Ministry has decided to utilize the land owned by the national government in the four prefectures where particularly large amounts [of ashes and sludge highly contaminated with cesium] have been generated and the storage space is hard to find. In Miyagi, Tochigi, and Ibaraki, the Ministry has already held meetings with officials in local municipalities in an effort to finalize the plans.
So, the local officials have been talking with the Ministry for some time. I bet they haven’t said a word about it to the residents.
Who said “Render unto Caesar”? Render unto TEPCO the things which are TEPCO’s.