U.S. Fighting On The Same Side As Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

U.S. Fighting On the Same Side as Three Terrorist Groups In Syria (Washington’s Blog, Feb. 25, 2012):

U.S. Fights Side-By-Side With Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

Al Qaeda is supporting the Syrian opposition.

So is the Muslim Brotherhood.

And Hamas.

This is curious, given that the U.S. is supporting the Syrian opposition (and see this), considering military options for ousting the Syrian government, American allies Britain and Qatar allegedly already have foreign troops inside Syria, and the U.S. has been planning regime change in Syria for over 50 years.

I thought Al Qaeda, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood were America’s mortal enemies. Why are we backing terrorists?

If Hezbollah joins the opposition, it will be a clean sweep.


Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’

On Al-CIAda:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
– Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

Just one month after this article published in the Guardian Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

Libya flashback:


Change: Al-Qaeda Flag Flying On New ‘Moderate’ Government Benghazi Courthouse In Libya

Webster Tarpley: Al-Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan

The Greatest Betrayal: Handing Over Libya To Al-Qaeda

Asia Times Correspondent Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda Asset Is Military Commander Of Tripoli!

Meet the lie used to take out Gaddafi:

– The Corbett Report:  The Assassination of Gaddafi & The Destruction Of Libya (Video)

Former Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Exposes THE LIE Used To Attack And Destroy Libya: ‘Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth..’

Russian Military: Gaddafi Airstrikes On Civilians NEVER Happened! (RT – Video)

Meet the BAD Guy:

Smoking Gun: Gaddafi Was To Receive U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD

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