See also:
– South Korea: Radioactive Seaweed At 0.76 MicroSieverts/Hour From East Coast
2011 Nov 30th South Korea rain radiation 20 microSv/hr from joytek on Vimeo.
rain sample collected from a car hood in Chuncheon, South Korea on November 30th, 2011. All cars were covered by a powdery substance that fell with the rain.
2011 Nov 30th radioactive rainout in South Korea 16 microSv/hr from joytek on Vimeo.
radioactive rain sample from South Korea, Chuncheon collected from a car hood on November 30th, 2011.
South Korea, Chuncheon, Dec 13, 2011, neighborhood radiation (0.7 microSv/hr +) from joytek on Vimeo.
This is the reading on my street in Chuncheon, South Korea, on December 13th, 2011. The pavement is reading at more than 0.7 microSv/hr while the at chest height the reading is about 0.4.
measuring device: Inspector Alert